The Cage

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She stood to the side of the console, staring at her soon to be reality. With a deep breath she took a timid step forward. With another breath she took a larger, more confident step. Another step later she began chanting in her head.

"Don't show fear. Be confident. Don't be afraid."

A few minutes later the dreaded bell rang. Her small, yet confident steps, soon turned into strides of fear.

Despite her chant, she knew what was coming, and she knew she would be afraid.

The shouts and cheers that surrounded her made her run faster.

"If only this world wasn't so cursed." She muttered under her breathe as she felt sharp claws dig into her side.

With a muffled scream of pain she clutched to her side, feeling the warm, red liquid dripping from her.

She closed her eyes and took a haggard deep breath. She focused solely on her mind and body, and let her intuition take over.

Soon she was dodging the terrible beast that had cut her moments before. The cheering and chanting from the crowd simmered into a calm eerie silence. The crowd drawn into the sudden turn of events. Their earlier hopes of bloodshed and death turned into somber thoughts of question.

Questioning how this small timid girl was dodging the previously undefeated beast a hundred times her size.

Minutes later the furry beast fell. The gasps and surprise of the crowd took over the eerie silence that had settled in.

The small and timid girl stood before the crowd, ignoring her accomplishment she ran towards the console.

With a heavy grunt she ripped the microphone from the stunned announcer.

"This world is cursed! You have the weakest fight the strongest and you expect bloodshed every time. When are you going to realize that violence and fighting isn't the only thing in this world?" She took a deep breathe, still clutching to her damaged side. With an exhale she spoke again. "I almost died today. And I know you all were hoping that I did. But I needed to prove that you are all the monsters, not that passed out beast. Is this really what you all want for the future? Soon enough we won't have anymore 'weak' sacrifices. Soon enough we will have to be putting our 'bravest and strongest' in that cage. And soon after that, we won't have anyone left. Do you want to be the cause of our destruction? Of our extinction?" With that final word she stepped off the stage. With a brief look throughout the crowd, she saw the understanding eyes of her old neighbors, her friends, her family, and complete strangers.

That day she knew she did something good.

That day she changed the world for the better.

This day will be remembered as the day the weakest turned into the strongest.

And this day will be remembered as the day The Cage fell.


Hi everyone!!

First of all, props to @theoddballhobbiest for the inspiration to this story!!

Thank you for taking time to read this if you did, this was something I actually wrote during my break at work a while ago and I decided to post it :)

But anyway, this is my first short story I wrote so I hope y'all like it and if you have any critiques or questions, etc. please don't hesitate to message me!! I'm always looking to improve :)

Thank you! ❤️

~Jay <3

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