Chapter 8

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Michelle was relieved when Cricket had been put in her class and she was the one to show her around the school. She had to admit, she was starting to grow fond of the other, slightly younger girl.

"I don't know why, but this isn't sitting right with me." Michelle said, watching as Molly chatted with some of her friends. Cricket looked over at her. "Maybe we should investigate?"

"There's not much we can do without going into the forest." Michelle sighed.

Cricket blinked. "What's wrong with the forest?"

"Nobody knows." Michelle shrugged, "But apparently whoever goes in doesn't come out."

"That is...nightmare fuel." Cricket inhaled sharply, "Thanks for the warning."

"No problem."

Cricket sighed and shook her head. "What do we do?"

"I'm not sure." Michelle shook her head and told Cricket about her talk with Molly, and how she'd completely forgotten about it. Cricket frowned and sighed again. "This is making my head hurt."

"What've you been doing?" Michelle decided to change the topic, which made Cricket brighten a little.

"I've been reading a lot." Cricket yawned. "And waking up earlier than usual."

"Why?" Michelle studied Cricket, who sighed. "Strange dreams."

"About what?" Michelle studied her. Cricket shrugged. "Most of them have faded by now. I can try to tell you about it in the morning if I have another, though." She quickly scribbled something on a sticky note and handed it to Michelle.

It was her number, and Michelle noted that her handwriting was very curvy and loopy and almost flowing. It was very pretty and almost reminded Michelle of cursive, though not quite exactly. She nodded and pocketed the note, making a mental note to send an experimental text to make sure it worked.

"Alright, let's go." Cricket yawned. "Lunch isn't over yet and I want to get some reading in."

Michelle chuckled and shook her head. "That sounds good to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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