9. Galar (1)

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Gloria: I drink to forget but I always remember.
Hop: You're drinking Berry Juice.

Leon: You're charged with... breaking into a Daycare?
Victor: I thought the Pokèmon might be lonely.

Bede: We can't lose. Because we have this. *points to his chest*
Marnie: We have heart?
Bede: Heart? No, me. I'm pointing at myself. I'm going to win this for us.

Sonia: Do you want some tea?
Leon: What are the options?
Sonia: Yes or no.

Raihan: Hop likes to win. When he was 8, a little Pokè-scout friend of his bragged they could sell the most cookies.
Raihan: Damned if Hop didn't walk the neighborhood till he got blisters on his feet, and won by 10 boxes.
Raihan: Best part is, Hop wasn't even a Pokè-scout.

Victor: Alright Allister, Hop. Let's go over this one more time.
Victor: If something breaks?
Allister: We try to fix it before Bede gets home.
Victor: If it doesn't work?
Hop: We blame Gloria.
Gloria: What the bloody hell?! I didn't agree to that--!

Allister: Ah, hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this.
Gloria: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY DAMNED HOUSE!!!

Gloria: *shatters a window and climbs through it*
Gloria: *turns around and helps Victor through it* Breaking and entering is wrong, Vic.
Victor: Okay.

Allister: You shouldn't be using a straw.
Gloria: I know, I know, it's bad for the environment.
Allister: Yes, but I mean... it's an odd way to eat spaghetti.

Hop: Synthetic poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Bede: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Marnie: Meet me in the Denny's parking lot for a wizard duel.
Victor: *cocks Remoraid* Magic missile.
Bea: What the fuck is wrong with you.

Victor, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs?
Gloria: It means like in a Pokèmon battle.
Victor: Ohhhh-- but I thought you couldn't use Eggs in battle??
Sonia: Both of you get out of this kitchen.

Bede: You fuckers don't know about my knife stick. It's a knife taped to a stick and it's the ultimate weapon.
Sonia: Spear.

Leon: Hey.
Raihan: Hey?
Leon: I can't sleep. :/
Raihan: I can. Goodnight.

Sonia: Do you know the ABCs of first aid?
Leon: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.

Gloria: I made this friendship bracelet for you.
Hop: You know, I'm not really a jewelry person.
Gloria: You don't have to wear...
Hop: No, I'm gonna wear it forever. Back off.

Marnie: Gloria. What kind of Grass Pokèmon do you like?
Gloria: I like Sunflora.
Marnie, pulling out a bunch of Carnivine: Oh, well--

Gloria: Your Honor, I hereby submit the following to the court:
Gloria: Sonia, what the actual FUCK?

Victor: Guess what number I'm thinking of.
Marnie: 420?
Victor: No, that's really immature of you. Someone else guess, and please take this seriously.
Bede: 69.
Victor: Yeah it was 69.

Hop: Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween!
Bea: That doesn't exist.
Hop: Not with that attitude.

Victor: You can't have a gun on stage!
Bede: WRONG AGAIN! I can have a gun, and I must have a gun, that's the rule of Chekhov's Gun: have a gun. And now that it's been seen, I will have to shoot someone before the end of the play.

Bede: Damn, the power went out.
Hop: Don't worry, I got this.
Hop: *shakes rapidly and starts to light up*
Bede: What-?
Hop: I swallowed a glow stick!
Bede, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-

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