intro for me :D

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Am I writing another story before my first one is done? Yes. Are you gonna complain about it? I fucking hope not-

I'll still be updating my steddie story, I'm just having a bunch of ideas for a harringrove story at the same time so might as well do both before I forget about the ideas

Anyway- I'm Eddie, my pronouns are He/Him and They/Them.

Hi, hello, I'm writing two stories at the same time bc my mind is so bored that I can't just concentrate on one thing at a time

Some warnings before we start

TRIGGER WARNINGS: abuse, self harm, sexual assault, bullying, gore(?)

That's probably not it, but the TWs will be at the beginning of each chapter, the gore is because I'll probably go into detail with stuff, like blood and stuff. ALSO


Absolutely NOT, I'm not writing that shit until I'm comfortable writing it- so good luck getting me to write it like ANY time soon

But anyways, have a good day/night everyone!

- Eddie <3

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