1. The meet

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"Twat" Theo had heard someone say in a lower voice from behind him. Theo turned around to see a pale skinned kid, with pitch black hair. The kid noticed Theo staring and gave him a look saying "Can you believe these guys." Theo gave a small laugh and a little smile before turning back around, unknowing of the other staring at him.

School ended soon enough after that and Theo saw the other boy going to the same bus as him. Theo got on first and sat near the front in the first empty seat he found. (not exactly knowing where else to sit.) Theo turned his head to watch the aisle when he saw the pale skinned boy get on. Looking at him now Theo could tell now that this boy was quite tall and fairly thin. This boy looked around before seeing Theo and plopped down next to him. The boy moved his hair out of his eyes before once again looking at Theo. "Ha! Harry Potter!" he exclaimed. Theo didnt know exactly how to respond although the observation made sense, with his glasses and choice of outfit. "Fuck you." Theo ended up responding with. After a few minutes of silence Theo spoke again. "You snowboard?" The other boy cupped his hand over his ear and said "Huh?" "Your shirt. Not a lot of snowboarding in the desert." The pale boy gave a small laugh. "No, I don't know how to snowboard. I just hate the sun." Theo gave a confused look. Then his stop came up. The dark haired boy got up aswell. They got off and the bus left.

The other boy put his hand out to shake the shorters hand. "Boris." Theo returned the handshake "Theo." He responded. "Where are you from?" Theo wondered Boris thought for a second "I've lived in Russia, Scotland.." He paused again. "Which was maybe cool but i don't remember it." He continued on with his list. "Australia, Poland, New Zealand, Texas for two months. Alaska, New Guinea, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Ukraine-" Theo stared a shocked look on his face "Jesus." Boris gave a small shrug. "Mostly Australia, Russia and Ukraine though. Those three places" Theo gave a small nod. "What about you, potter?" Boris added the nickname with some amusement in his voice. Theo (ignoring the nickname he was given) answered. "New york." Boris gave a nod before pulling something out of his backpack. Theo gave a confused look as boris opened it. It was an umbrella, still with a confused look on his face the dirty blond asked "What?" Boris smiled. "I told you. I hate sun."

The two boys ended up walking to Boris' house getting lost in the time talking. It soon became too late and so Boris' walked Theo back. "It was nice meeting you, Boris." Theo gave a faint smile. "And you aswell Potter." Boris looked Theo up and down once more giving a soft smile. Theo returned the smile before going back inside a empty feeling house.

Boring chapter i know sorry:((

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