2. Blossming

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Boris and Theo continued to hang out and talk over the next few days. Talking in class and sitting together at lunch, even passing notes in class. Of course like anything in this small school in Vegas rumors started quickly, and Theo, looking and acting the way he was, he was a easy target for people to pick on. Although Theo hadn't cared, it was just as it was back in New york. Boris on the other hand cared, Theo had no idea why. Boris cared though, He really did, while he was thinking about this the dirty blonde looked confused for a moment. Boris looked over then offering the cigarette, "You want? Look like you could use it." He smirked, Theo gave a laugh before taking the cigarette. The two boys sat in a comfortable silence for around an hour before Boris spoke up. "I am getting hungry Potter, you?" "I could eat." Theo responded "But neither of us have food." he added on. "Then we go to the store" Boris said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "With what money." "No you silly, we steal!" once again in a "this is so obvious" voice. Both the boys smiled before getting up. They stopped by Boris' house for his umbrella and then walked to the nearest store. "What do we want to get?" The taller of the two thought for a moment. "Steak.. chicken? Some kind of meat Potter." "How the hell are gonna steal a whole chicken or steak dude?" "You go flirt with cashier!" Boris responded like Theo had just said the dumbest thing ever. "Why me?" "Because you are so hot Potter, get cashiers attention I slip out like snake!" He responded moving his hands in a snake like motion. Theo stared at the other boy for a moment. "I will DISTRACT, you hear that? Distract the cashier."

Boris laughed. "Okay Potter, you do that." He said walking off. Theo walked up to the cashier, "Excuse me madam do you know where i could find some bread?" The cashier smiled. "Follow me!" She said while Theo gave Boris a "Hurry up" Look before walking away with the cashier. Theo ended up buying bread to not seem sketchy. Theo ran to Boris when he finally left the store. "Good job Potter! Didn't know if you could do it." Theo rolled his eyes "So, what kind of meat did you get?" "Steak! I do not know how to cook well, this seemed easiest." Theo giggled before the other handed him the steak and opened his umbrella. They walked back to Theos house, and the two of them trying to figure out how to cook was a NIGHTMARE. "No! read the packaging!" "..I threw away.." "BORIS-.." Theo sighed, trying to remember how to tell if meat was done. "Ykw it'll be okay. If anything goes wrong,, we have bread?" "Good thinking Potter!" Boris said, this confused Theo because normally in this situation someone would be sarcastic, but Boris seemed very genuine. Theo smiled at Boris and He smiled back. Theo watched as the meat cooked, it took around 20-30 minutes. They ate on the couch watching cartoons, when they were done eating Boris exclaimed how bored he was, head in Theos lap arms crossed and him pouting. Theo laughed at the sight. "Is not funny! I am boredddd!" he frowned. "Then what should we do?" Theo asked still laughing. Boris thought for a moment before pulling a joint out of his pocket. "Want to get high and watch sunset?" He asked holding the joint for Theo to take. The dirty blonde smiled in agreement.

The two smoked as they walked to the park, eventually needing to run in order to see the sunset from their swings. While they had been running Theo had been slower, resulting in black haired boy to grab is hand. Theo felt some sort of spark when this happened he smiled and went along with it. The collapsed on the woodchips when they reached the park. "C'mon Boris! We don't want to miss the sunset!" The shorter laughed, reaching his hand out for Boris to take. Boris accepted the help and they sat on the swings, still holding hands. Both wanting to never let go. They watched the sunset in awe, when it was dark and the stars were out they started fucking around, chasing each other screaming. "Boris-" "Yeah?" "What if we carved our names into the swing.. you know cause like they're basically OUR swings." Boris smiled ear to ear before the responded. "Is great idea Potter!" The boys searched around for something sharp before Theo found a beer bottle (which had been left there by them.) He broke it and picked the biggest piece offering it to Boris "No no Potter, you go first, is your idea." Theo nodded walking over to the swing then carving his name in the bottom. He gave Boris the shard of glass, Boris did the same. They threw the glass into the street before walking back to Theos house (because it was the closest to the park.)

When they got back it was around midnight, they stumbled up to Theos room, Theo taking his shirt off along the way in order to get comfortable. They got into Theos bed trying to sustain their laughter and keep their voices down. (Wanting to not wake Xandra or Larry) While the were just barely awake they could feel the affects wearing off. Theo turned to fall asleep excepting Boris to do the same. But he didn't. Theo felt a arm wrap around him and a hot slow breath on his neck, he could smell the beer and cigarettes, he felt Boris' body up against his. It felt wrong but all so right, he didn't know what to do Boris muttered some nonsense in polish, Theo wanted to turn away but the thought of leaving Boris' touch was so odd. Boris held him tighter as if he was reading Theos mind attempting to not let him leave his arms. Yet Boris slowly falling asleep in the comfort, Theo stayed up longer. "Goodnight Boris.." He whispered before closing his eyes, hoping they would never talk about any of the hand holding, or cuddling that day. I mean, their friendship was just blossoming. Why ruin it now?

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