Chapter three Drunk vs Sober.

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"You are so pretty potter." They had both said stupid things when drunk. Theo stared at Boris, unable to believe him, unable to process it at all, no one had ever called him "pretty" Theo thought for a minute before responding. "You're just high, Boris." "Am not!" Boris said, a little louder then he meant sitting up a bit from his slouching position. Theo rolled his eyes, "Yes Boris you are. You should go to sleep before you say anything else stupid, or that you'll regret." "Potter! I'm not going to regret saying that, is not stupid. I mean it, you are the prettiest boy I've ever known." Theo shook his head, "Go to sleep Boris." Boris slouched back down. "Just because I only say this now does not mean I am lying, Potter. We have been friends for what? Few months now? I am saying this now because I finally trusted enough you wouldn't be weirded out." Boris ended with a yawn. The silence was sickeningly loud. They both heard a door open and faint footsteps. It went back to the silence after a few minutes. A deep breath was taken by Boris. "I love you, Theo." He said believing Theo was asleep. Theo panicked, Boris had never called him Theo, yet the dirty blonde remained silent, for him it was weird enough he wanted to say it back, but maybe Boris meant it in a friendship kind of way. The two stayed up for hours, not being able to sleep and around one am they heard fighting. Almost as soon as it started Theo lazily got up. "Potter, are you awake?" Boris asked realizing the sudden change of weight on the bed. "I don't want to listen to these idiots fight. I'm going to the park to smoke. You wanna come?" Theo explained putting on some pants and then searching around for a shirt.

Boris got up as well, "You have a shirt I could borrow?" Theo stared at him, it always amazed him at how Boris looked, scars and cuts cigarette burns, Theo had tried to question it multiple times but always got a joking answer, or Boris would change the subject, or just a shrug. "Is that a yay or a nay?" Boris jokingly asked. "Oh- uhm yeah, wear whatever." Boris thanked Theo and picked up a sweater, while Theo wore a T-shirt and hoodie. "You got a lighter?" Theo asked. The other nodded in response before they snuck out of the room. The shouting got louder they snuck down the stairs and out of the house, running down the street laughing like they had gotten away with something although they really hadn't. When they reached the park they both collapsed Boris on top of Theo, the shorter bot flushed a bright red before offering a cigarette to Boris, he obviously accepted and lit his, then Theo's. They smoked and eventually Theo said something he thought he would never say to Boris, "I love you too, just by the way." Boris' eyes widened and a concerned confused look grew on his face, Theo noticing this quickly added on, "You know.. cause you said it earlier.." "YOU WERE AWKAE?" Boris shouted jumping up. The two stared at each other. "You're not gonna remember any of this.." Boris muttered sitting back down, laying down in Theos lap, and while Theo messing with Boris' hair he yawned. "We should get home, c'mon" Boris said pulling Theo (who was basically unable to walk) up. The taller of the two noticed the shorter struggling to stand. "Get on Potter. I give back ride." Theo giggled before jumping on Boris' back Boris walked Theo home quickly as he could and got him inside. The arguing had stopped, so Boris carefully walked up the stairs Theo basically asleep on his back. When he got to Theos room he tossed Theo down and he rolled over and took his shirt off. Boris got into bed after him then putting the blankets over them, kissing Theo's forehead and holding Theo in his arms. "Goodnight Boris.." Theo sleepily sighed. "Goodnight Potter." Boris responded before also drifting off.

And yet the next day Boris was right. Theo did not remember what he said not at all, Theo always did this, every time he got drunk or high he'd always forget. Boris liked it, he could usually say whatever he wanted. He had said so many things to Theo, that he would never remember. Boris loved it. Boris loved Theo, and now Theo knew Boris loved him. Just not what kind of love it was, assuming platonic, it had to be. It just had to be.

hello!! i am currently trying to come up with some type of au or alternate storyline so it isnt just the original story with hc if anyone reading this would be interested in that<33

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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