I love you, goodbye

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Jessica and Danny have been best friends since, Jessica was four. Danny would always pull her hair and taking her dolls. Danny was a year older than Jessica. He was in pre-k and she wasn't in school yet. Jessica was happy, he was out of school and that he could play all day with her, so that she wasn't lonely anymore.

Jessica's mom, Laura, is a doctor at the hospital, and her dad died when she was two from cancer. Her mom never really dated after Mike (Jessica's dad) died. Danny's mom Leanna was a lawyer and his dad John worked in a factory making tractors. Their parents have been best friends for years before Jessica and Danny were born.

School just got out about a week ago, so they still had about three months of summer left. Jessica and Danny were at her house watching movies. Danny always puts his arm around Jessica, she really doesn't pay attention to it that much. She fells comfortable around him, so she doesn't mind it. Danny always sees his dad do it, so he thinks he suppose to do it.

Jessica: "What movie is next?"

Danny: "Um, Aladdin?"

Jessica: "Ok!"

Danny knows that Jessica loves Aladdin, so he got the movie for her birthday. Jessica got up and put the movie in. She got next to Danny again.

Jessica: "You know you have to leave after this."

Danny: "I know, I guessed that."

Jessica: "Ok, making sure.

Danny: "We still going to the park tomorrow?"

Jessica: "Duh, like I would ever miss that."

Danny: "Making sure that's alway been our thing."

Jessica: "And it always will be."

By time the movie when off, it was around 7:30 at night. Danny got up and told everyone goodbye then walked back to his house next door. Jessica and Danny's windows are right across from each other, so they waved goodnight, closed the blinds, changed into their pjs, and went to bed.

*next day*

Laura: "Sweetie, wake up. Breakfast is ready."

Jessica: "Yes mommy."

Jessica fell right back to sleep after her mom woke her up. Laura, was waiting on Jessica so she when back up stairs to see her asleep.

Laura: "The hard way it is then."

Laura picked Jessica up and started to swing her around on her shoulders.

Jessica: "Mommy, mommy mommy! Put me down!" She started kicking her legs flying in the air.

Laura: "What's the magic word?" Still swiging her around.

Jessica: "Please mommy?!"

Laura: "Good girl, now get dressed, I have your outfit picked out."

Jessica looked over to see her mom pick a light pink hello kitty shirt, light pink and white skirt with her white sandals. It was a tradition of the two families the second week when the kids got out of school to have a get together at the park and let the kids play. They always left early in the morning because the park was a hour away. This was an annual thing for the two families.

They rode in different cars, because not all of them can fit in one car. The car ride was always quiet on the way up there, but it really didn't bother anyone with the silence because everyone was still half asleep. They got there a hour later, so it was about 12:30 pm when they got there. Jessica and Danny went off to pick a good place to eat.

I love you, goodbyeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant