Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*11 years later*

I'm 15 years old now and Danny is 16 years old. He has been in the hospital about 8 times since I was four. He scares me a lot since he has been playing football. I'm a freshman and he's a sophomore now in high school. We are still best friends. He's the "player" in his grade and I'm a nerd in my grade. He still doesn't know about his disease. His parents thought they would tell him on his 17 birthday which is December 5th and it's March 1st right now. He still has a while until he finds out about it. I still think we should tell him sooner, but "No, he needs to live his life a little before he finds out." Well what if he dies tomorrow what will happen then. I want to tell him but he will hate me if he finds out I knew about it. He trusts me with everything, but the most important thing I keep from him is that he can die. His parents and my mom still go out to the park every summer but Danny didn't go with us last year he went with his friends to a party. He thought it was stupid to go with his family and a little girl he grew up with. I cried after he said that in front of me. He was about 6"1 and I'm about 5"5. He calls me little girl around his friends but when it's us he calls me Jessie or  Jes. He's the only one that calls me that. He has his own car and licenses. He loves his car more than life. When he got it I thought it would be funny and put a cupcake on it, so yeah it turned out to be a bad idea. He cried like a baby in front of everyone, and almost killed me. Like I said he loves that car. The order of most important things are: His mom, car, Xbox, and me. He loves his mom to death. I'm the only one that knows, sometimes he still sleeps with his mom at night. I know that he still sleeps with night light and a stuff dog we got him when he was seven. I think it's sweet he still does both of these things but if I told anyone I'm dead. I know everything about Danny and he knows almost everything about me.

*End of School*

I was waiting on Danny by his car, when I seem him walking with some girl. He hugged her goodbye and started running to were a I was standing.

Danny: "Jessie! Guess what?! Guess what?!"

Me: "What?"

Danny: "I'm dating Sarah now!"

Did I tell you that I really like Danny? No? Well you all know now. I've liked Danny for a while now but he doesn't even like me. I'm not pretty at all I'm pale has snow maybe a little darker. I have a weird shaped nose. I have really small dark brown eyes. My hair is never straight it's a wavy/curly mess that fizzes up all over the place. I have a little bit of acne here and there. His girlfriend, Sarah, has perfectly straight long reddish/brown hair, perfect nose, perfect shape dark green eyes, everything about her is perfect. And Danny, oh my god. He is perfect every girl wants him minus a few here and there. He has golden blonde hair that goes a in his eyes a bit. His light blue eyes are the perfect size for his oval shaped face. He has the perfect amount of muscle on him. He has the perfect tan to make his eyes pop. Everything about him could kill a girl.

Me: "Oh really now? That's great."

Danny: "I know, we need to get home. I have a date at 7 tonight."

Jessica: "Oh ok, have fun." I gave him a fake smile, so he will believe me.

Danny: "Stop with the fake ness, I can see right through it. Tell me what's wrong?"

Me: "Ilikeyouidiotbutallyouwantisawhores."

Danny: "What was that?"

Me: "I'm on my period!" I didn't know what I said until my hands shot up and cover my month. I knew as red as a tomato in a matter of seconds.

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