Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Laura: "Jessica, wake up."

Me: "Ten more minutes."

Laura: "It's already 12:38."

Me: "What?! I told you to wake me up at 10 I have to go ready to go-"

Laura: "I will tomorrow when it's Sunday."

Me: "Wait, today is Saturday?"

Laura: "Yes, now get a shower and come eat lunch."

Me: "Yes ma'am."

I got up and looked in the mirror to see my wild bird hair nest with little with pieces of cotton. Yeah, that finishes off my bird nest. I brushed out my hair and got into a hot shower. When I got out the mirror had a full coat of fog on it. I took my hand and drew two smiley faces in the mirror. I got my blue shorts and my purple peace sign shirt. I quickly put them on and brushed my hair into a messy bun. I could smell my mom's Chicken strips, mashed potatoes, and mac&cheese. I ran down stairs to the dinning room when I seen Danny and his family sitting at the table looking ready to eat.

Leanna: "Well, look who it is, sleepy butt."

Me: "Well, good afternoon to you, too."

John: "Good afternoon, Jessica."

Me: "Good afternoon."

I sat down next to Danny, who was playing a game on his phone. I looked over to see him playing Minecraft on his IPhone. He's always playing that or Black Oops 2 on his Xbox. I've never play it but I've seen him play it, so I know a lot about it.

Laura: "Lunch is ready."

Danny: "Hey mom?"

Leanna: "Yes, Danny?"

Danny: "I was wondering if I could go eat with Sarah now?"

Leanna: "Yeah, I guess you can."

Danny: "Well, okay then bye!"

All: "Bye.."

By time I looked around Danny was gone out the door into his car. We hear the car start then him speed off down the road. We all just looked at each other for a moment then got up and got some yummy food. My mom and Leanna were talking about how I got a offer to go to a fine art school in London. Which I haven't told Danny about the yet.

John: "So you got offer to so to Slade School of the arts?"

Me: "Yeah, I would really love to go but I would leave all my friends and family here."

John: "Yeah, but Slade School of the Arts never hardly offer students a full ride. They really must like your photography. I wanted to go there but never got in."

Me: "Really? I could never see you wanting to go to a fine art school."

John: "Well there's a lot you don't know about me sweetheart."

Me: "I can tell."

Danny: "I'm back."

Leanna: "How was your lunch?"

Danny: "It was good."

Leanna: "That's good."

Danny: "What are you all talking about?"

Leanna: "About the fine art school in London that Jessica got offered to go to."

Me: "Leanna!! I didn't tell him yet."

Danny: "You got offered what?!"

Me: "Danny, follow me."

We went to my room up stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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