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We are so lost in each other's eyes......his eyes are shiny black...his luscious lips...

" What is that noise"
I said it was more like whisper...
I stepped back and clear my throat

" Mr. Whatever your eyes are completely fine"
And ignoring his expression i turned my back to him and sat on the chair.

After opening the gate all teachers were entering like tsunami.
" Hello Mr. Jeon"
Everyone greeted together to That person.....to that Mr. Whatever

He is Jeon Jungkook.....no way. He can't be. I just told him that his name is very cute and then I remembered the conversation with him..... after realising that i made big mistake i lowered my head and keep staring at my toe...." Why it has to be him now I'm very much embarrassed " i murmured.

" Hello everyone, please take a seet I'm here to take some decisions as your chairman so please co-operate with me"
He said with full of confidence to everyone and seated on his chair.

Author POV

The table was as much big as fuck that everyone can have space and sit without being uncomfortable.

There's more than thirty people included Y/N and they are all sitting comfortably.

"Miss Min, introduce yourself first then I'll start the meeting"

"miss min"


I keep staring at my feet.... it's shaking
Then i heard someone calling me..."Miss Min?"
"Yy-ess SSir"
I stutter and look towards the owner of that voice it was none other than Mr. Jungkook
"Please introduce yourself " he growled while looking at me with angry face

" Hello, my name is y/n. I'm here as English teacher. please take care of me" and bowed 90 degree in front of everyone.
"Please sit"  he said while looking at some papers that placed on the table
"Thank you" i said with soft smile while sitting

We discussed lot of things no not we but only He....he was speaking and everyone was listening
...... I don't like meetings so as soon as it ended i walked toward my cabin.

I jumped on the couch and sighed " ufff it was so boring" i whispered to myself in a very low voice I'm completely exhausted.

I looked at watch and happily said " it's time to go home" i took my bag
And walk toward the parking area Andi heard someone called me

"Miss Min?"
"Yes" i said while looking at him.
He is handsome and has very beautiful face with charming smile.

" Hii myself Sehun"
"I'm maths teacher"
He introduced himself with beautiful smile

"Hii nice to meet you"  i bowed in front of him

"Earlier you seems very upset and nervous...dd-id something hhh- apen to you?" He stutterd and staring at me at the same time.

I looked at him with confusion

"Please don't mind...i justtt......"
"Yes i was really very nervous" i cut off his word
"Actually it's my first day and i haven't work before so it was little bit new for me  that's why, i was nervous but now I'm fine. Well thanks for your concern" I spoke to him with soft smile

" No need to say thanks.... It's also my first day and i was very nervous too" he laughed while saying that

"Okay great! It's like we are same" i said while laughing

And we laughed together for a while

"Do you want me drop you Miss Min?"
He asked me again
"Thanks for asking but I have my own car and thank god i can drive well" I said in soft tone while pointing my fingers at my blue car

The Tale Of Love : JJk FFWhere stories live. Discover now