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I burst out laughing when he made a whole drama out of it while fake crying, but to my surprise the girls started comforting him, What! My plan had a backfired so I sneaked out of the room devastated.

The next day while I was reaching for a book in the library Kyle suddenly appeared and grabbed it for me I gave him a smile but he just nodded. While I was doing my homework he sat across from me and started reading a book I waited for him to say hello or something but he totally ignored me I asked him what he was reading but he just gave me a glare, Oh I get it he was using the snobbish bad boy style i moved beside him and leaned in.

Yumi: Are you mute or does your breath?

just stink I was caught off guard when he grinned.

Kyle: Do you really want to know?

I immediately pulled away when our lips almost touched I cleared my throat and got myself back on track.

Yumi: Are you free tomorrow? I just need someone to go somewhere with me

Kyle: Yeah sure, Whatever

Later at that night i did a little reasearch on Kyle and grinned when I read a comment about him having a phobia of heights in one Instagram posts. He was surprised when I brought him to an amusement park the next day I forced him to try all the rides and i was laughing my butt whenever he screamed like a girl

Yumi: Stop being such a wuss Kyle let's try the pirate ship one more time

Just the he started throwing up and i couldn't stop laughing I wanted to have more fun so I acted like I'd sprained my ankle and let him carry me all around the place, Then I asked him to buy me some fries when bought them I said

Yumi: Oh shoot I'm also craving a banana split and cheeseburger

I could barely stop myself from laughing at his annoyed face, poor guy later fell asleep on the bench while I ate all the food all of a sudden I screamed in his ear her jolted awake and asked what had happened? I told him that I was just thirsty and I needed some soda, he finally snapped

Kyle: Buy it yourself girl, jeez you're so annoying.

And just like that Kyle gave up one down two to go.

Liam continued pastering me at school while Kyle was nowhere to be found. During launched Ryan sat beside me and asked me if I'd like to go on date with him to bahamas

Yumi: I want to get to know you first before going anywhere alone with you I don't even know anything about your family

Ryan: Not a problem you could join us for dinner tonight

I did a happy dance on the inside everything was going according to plan i told him that I'd come myself so I just asked his address, that night k borrowed my friends hyperactive cats and brought them with me, Ryan looked so happy as he opened the door.

Yumi: My moms out so no one can babysit them

I put the basket down and the cats started running everywhere scratching paintings and knocking over expensive vases

Yumi: Sorry they get their clumsiness from their mama, He looked totally .....

To be continued......

I made the 3 school billionaire heartthrobs fight over me. Where stories live. Discover now