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Ryan: Your kittens are ado rable like you come on dinner's ready and the'y all waiting for you

His parents looked so sophisticated and i was suprised to see that he had four little sisters, They all flocked around me like it was their first time seeing a girl, I started fake crying when dinner was serve

Ryan: What's wrong

Yumi: I don't eat chicken, (poor little creatures)

His mom asked me

RYAN MOM: Oh are you vegetarian?

Yumi: No only for chickens, Chicken save my life one time when I was crossing the road

Ryan immediately told the cook to change my food and when we started eating, my cats suddenly jumped on the table and turned everything into a disaster the look of on the faces of the Tanner family was epic

Yumi: Ops...Sorry

I was shocked when his mom took the cats and started petting them, (Unbelievable)

RYAN MOM: It's fine they're just asking for some love

I then placed my feet on the table and let out the loudest burp

Yumi: Thanks for this blended meal

Ryan: Anything for you

Darn he was such a good actor, After dinner his mom showed me their family albums and I couldn't help but notice how cute baby Ryan was, As I watched him play with his sisters I realized that he wasn't really a self-absorbeb jerk after all,
While heading out that night I tripped over something as usual and dropped my glasses, Ryan picked them up from me and looked at my bare face lovingly

Ryan: Wow your beauty is so unreal, so perfect

I realized that he was actually talking... To me? I felt my heart beating faster he looked so sincere and made me feel like I was the most beautiful girl in the world, apparently my efforts to get rid of him hadn't worked tonight, but why I was smiling?.

The next day Liam sneaked in through my window

Yumi: Why are you here?

Liam: There's a party neaby come on

Yumi: I told him that parties weren't my thing and besides i didn't have anything to wear

Liam: Say no more baby girl come with me

I needed to mess with him more so i with him to the mall he bought me a cute red dress and gave me a makeover

Liam: Wow you look like someone I know

Yumi: Who?

Liam: My next girlfriend

Yumi: Oh please

I went to the party with Liam and everyone was shocked upon seeing me they thought I was a totally different person, while dancing with Liam i couldn't notice Ryan and Kyle looking at me from across the room a girl walked up to Ryan and started dancing with him for some reason the sight made my blood boil I exused myself to the toilet and when I came back, Liam was now dancing sweetly with another girl, of course he was a player so u wasn't suprised. Kyle followed me when i went outside to the garden

Kyle: I'm sorry about what happened the other day Yumi i was so stupid for doing such a horrible thing to pretty girl like you

Oh wow from a jerk to a romeo he wanted to win that bet

Kyle: I really like you and I hope you feel the same way

He looked so genuine that I almost carried away I was about to say something but then someone snatched me away from him Ryan!

Kyle: What's your problem dude

Ryan: Thats it! we need to stop this I won't let you play with her feelings

Kyle: What are you talking about? I really like her

Ryan: And pigs can fly Kyle

Before they could punch each other Liam came over to stop them and I just stood between them looking like a confused little kitten

Liam: Cut it out you idiots she's mine

Kyle: Stay out of this loser you're hopeless she was about to say yes to me

To be continued.......

I made the 3 school billionaire heartthrobs fight over me. Where stories live. Discover now