2. Quarantine

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The 5 teens were placed in medium sized cells with various different things that they could do.

"This isn't exactly what I planned when you meant quarantine." Charlie said, his sunglasses now on a small table next to him.

"Why do we need to be quarantined anyway?" Tom asked.

"Just in case." Mike said, emptying the pills into his hand and giving them to each of the 5.

"So do we just take this and it's all over?" Connor asked.

"Yes." Mike said, a little unsure. Charlie, Jas and Connor instantly took their pills. Elle took her time inspecting the tiny blue pill like it was something she'd never seen before.

"Waiting on you, Elanor." Mike said, noticing her strange behaviour.

"Firstly, it's Elle. Secondly, I'm just making sure." Elle said, frustrated.

"Take your time then." Mike hissed.

A few moments after inspection, Elle took her pill as carefully but as quickly as possible.

"Okay, now go to sleep. The cure takes time to work its magic." Mike said, clapping his hands hastily.

"Ok, dad." Jas uttered, frustrated.

"Lovely." Mike muttered, rolling his eyes.

- The Next Day - 

Unlike usual, Charlie was the first to awake.

"ugh, my head." He groaned, holding his hand to his forehead.

"Do you feel sick?" Mike asked, popping out of nowhere. Charlie suddenly bent over and threw up in the toilet. "I'll take that as a 'Yes'"

Soon Elle woke up followed by Connor, Jas and Tom.

"Are you sick?" Mike asked Tom.

"No, not at all. Why?" Tom asked.

"Well, everyone else has puked in some way or another." Mike replied, a little disgusted.

"Well, that's a shame." Tom said.

As Mike turned, Tom threw up.

"And that makes five." He said, sighing. "At least we can see that it's working."

There came an audible murmur from the cells that sounded like unsure agreement. he could see in Connor's cell that he was... Panting?

"Connor?" Emma asked, walking by the cells.

"What?" Connor asked, showing some unusually sharp teeth.

"You don't look quite right." Emma replied, looking a little shocked.

"Well I've just been sick, what do you think?" Connor growled. Mike gulped and held his clipboard closer to him.

"That's weird." He said in shock. He went back to his office and sat down. He stared at everything on his desk. A couple pens, lots of paperwork, a pack of blue tack, some pins, A picture of him on graduation day, his computer mouse and keyboard. Nothing out of the ordinary. He scoffed and looked at his clipboard. Lightly written scribbles that he couldn't understand for a second and a checklist of some description.

"You spiked it with something, didn't you?" Emma asked, waltzing into the room and taking a seat.

"Why would I spike my own cure?" Mike asked.

"I don't know, side affects possibly? Experimentation?" Emma suggested.

"It's my cure, there's no spiking involved." Mike repeated.

"Then why are the 5 musketeers turning into the fantastic 5?" Emma asked, pointing out the door. Mike walked nervously out of the door and saw the following:

- Connor looked like a ferocious beast

- Charlie was flying

- Jas was moving things with her mind

- Elle was melting things with her eyes

- Tom Looked normal

Mike rushed over to Tom.

"Why are you the only normal one?" He asked.

"I just broke the window with my voice." Tom stuttered nervously, pointing to the shattered window. Mike backed away as fast as possible and went straight back to his office.

"Where's the paper with the formula on it?" He asked. Emma handed it to him. Mike looked through it thoroughly before his skin turned white and he looked up.

"Oh shit." 

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