01|| Number 15

33 7 6







Is all I hear while punching the punching bag.

It's like a practiced rhythm.

Played constantly and everyday.

Tiring but still practiced.

"15, Pierce would like to have a word with you." says number 22.

Here we have numbers.

No names or letters. Because that would mean you have meaning.

Unless you are a successful experiment, that is when you earn a name. But don't let that think you have meaning.

No, it means you are more of a risk and are feared by most, if not all, agents.

While here you'll learn 2 main things-

Numbers are just, well numbers. Nothing too special about them.

And there's no such thing as luck.

Luck is basically a myth. And myths are fake; therefore there is no point in putting a bit of trust into something that won't be worth it.

Like if you try to sit in a chair but know the chair is broken, there is no point in sitting in it because you would just fall to the floor.

They are the same concept or that's what everyone here ,that has survived long enough, believes.

I respond to number 22 with a nod of acknowledgement and start walking down the dark, wet, and dirty hallway.

It wasn't long before 4 high level agents start walking in front and behind of me to make sure I don't try to escape.


Last time I tried to escape I ended up with a dislocated shoulder, bloody nose, and huge scar that goes from the left side of my nose to just slightly above my jawline.

Soon enough we make it the fanciest and most durable door in the whole base.

They believe Pierces office is the most important and should be the most protected.

I think it's just because Pierce has a lot to hide and that's why we have to have a specific level of power to go in alone.

I obviously I haven't made it to that level and probably won't ever after the stunt I pulled 2 weeks ago. And I don't really find interest of becoming the highest rank of 'power'.

Time to find out what the hell Pierce wants with me and why.

I take a moment and think about what all I could've done wrong within the last 72 hours.

I woke up on time.

Went to the 'scientists'.

Sparred with the younger agents.

I did my usual after routine in the gym.

Didn't yell at-

"Good evening number 15. Please come and have a seat right in front of my desk... We have lots to talk discuss." Pierce says with a almost grin and calmness in his voice.

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