Blossoming Rose

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Y/n's POV

I sat down in the airport with my camera, cleaning the lens of it with a microfiber cloth to get any lint or dust off. I had my headphones on as I minded my business, making sure all the settings were correct and that my photos wouldn't be shitty. That's the last thing I need and then I'd end up disappointing over 100k people. I took a few photos to make sure everything was good and thankfully it was.

So I turned my attention to the mass amount of people that were overcrowding the sliding doors where Rosé of Blackpink would soon be emerging from. She was just in Paris for PFW and sadly I couldn't go because I had job things to deal with. So I did miss out on a lot of pictures, but that's okay with me. Plus my followers understood when I told them I wouldn't be going to Paris as well.

Time went by slowly and I just sat patiently and smiled as I had a great view of the doors. Everyone was over in front of them, but where I was just casually seated, I had a great shot that would capture Rosé's side profile perfectly. My mask tickled my nose a little, so I adjusted it as I waited.

I knew it was my cue to lift up my camera when every fangirl ever started to squeal in excitement. I chuckled to myself and lifted my camera up, pointing it where Rosé would soon be walking.

And there she was in all her black outfit and blonde glory.

I took burst shots as she walked and I just stayed seated. I know the route she takes to get to the van that'll take her home, so I just sat there and soon Rosé and the mass amount of people crowding her started coming my way. I didn't want to get too close, so I casually got up and walked further down where some stairs were. I stepped up the first few and turned around, bringing my camera back up to capture her beauty once again. It was crazy seeing the mob of people surrounding her.

I never got that close to take photos of her. I always stayed a good distance away from her because I was already invading her privacy by taking her picture.

But then again, I'm a fansite, so that's what I do.

My specialty was taking these far away shots and making it seem like she was the only one in the world. It was rather easy since she's usually the only one that does have black hair in the photos, so she just makes my job easier being blonde.

As always, she politely waved to all the fans around her and didn't mind the many cameras that were being shoved in her face. I frowned as I know she has to put up with that.

But soon she was out of sight and I lowered my camera, leaving the airport to head back to my apartment to look through the shots I got today. I went on the city bus and took it for about 15 minutes before getting off near my apartment building. I headed inside and up the elevator to my floor, unlocking my door and going inside.

I sighed and kicked my shoes off, my stomach growling as it was just past 11pm. I had dinner around 6, so I was due for a snack. But I decided that I could wait as I wanted to look through the photos. I went over to get my laptop and plopped down on my couch, opening it up and getting my cord out to transfer photos from my camera to it. I plugged it into my camera and waited for the photos to upload.

I smiled once it was done and opened up the folder where they were downloaded.

Once again, I was speechless seeing Rosé's beauty captured by my camera.

Her side profile was gorgeous, even with her mask on. You could see her eyes curl up into crescent moons as she waved to the crowd of fans in front of her. Her blonde hair was perfect and her makeup was light, yet striking. Then of course she was wearing an all black look, proudly displaying the YSL logo on her handbag.

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