(Chapter 10: A secret friend, an unfortunate visit, and... chat about underwear)

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I woke up to the usual rooster, screaming its lungs out, but I was too tired to get up. I hadn't really slept well the night before because of the monsters outside... And nightmares about said monsters.

"UuuUUuuUUggGGGggHHHhhh... Why do I need to get up at six in the morning?" I groaned into my pillow, before deciding that since I didn't have any crops to water at the moment, and the chicken coop wouldn't be fully built until Monday, I would just take a small nap...

(Small time skip)

I was surprised to find that I woke up at noon.

"Why did I expect that small nap to actually be small?" I asked myself, slowly lifting my head from my pillow, only to see Apollo resting his head on the side of the bed, and looking at me with sad puppy eyes.

I sighed, and said "I forgot to feed you, didn't I? Sorry, buddy..." before patting the dog on the head, and getting out of bed to feed him.

As I did, I decided to check my phone... Which was dead, since I didn't think to plug it in the night before. "Nice... My day is going so well so far." I said sarcastically, before plugging my phone into the charger next to the bed.

After getting the dog's food, I took another quick look at my phone. My heart sank when I noticed the large amount of missed calls and texts that my mom and brother had sent me.

I've been trying to avoid them, but for some reason, they were being super persistent with this. They sent me stuff like "Where are you?", "Are you still alive?", "Are you okay?", and one text that scared me to my core...

"We think we know where you are. We'll be on our way soon."

I dropped my phone as my hands began to sweat, then sat on the floor, and leaned on the side of the bed.

"Why won't they leave me alone?" I asked with a sigh, as Apollo sat on the floor next to me.

"There's no way they actually know where I am, right?" I asked Apollo, knowing that I was most likely not going to get an actual answer.

The dog let out a quiet bark, and put his paw on my arm.

I chuckled at him and said "I wish you could talk. That way I'd actually know if you're trying to help me, or if you're just begging for head pats." while scratching behind his ears.

After sitting there for a while, I thought "Okay... If my family actually knows where I am... First of all, that's really creepy, since I told no one where I was going, and second, I need to figure out what I'm gonna do now. Do I hide? Do I talk to them if they do show up? What the heck do I do?"

At this point, I was thoroughly creeped out by the thought that my family was stalking me, but had no clue what to do about it.

So, I decided to just hope that they were lying, and try to continue my day that was already pretty much half over because I slept through most of it.

As usual, I did the following. Give some stuff to the junimos, text my friends, and tell them about the calls and texts I got from my family, buy some new seeds from Pierre, plant them, water them, wonder if I should question my sanity when my scarecrow talks to me, etc.

After that was all done, it was almost time to meet up with Krobus. So, I decided to just sit on the porch, and play some games on my phone until they got here.

As I sat there, I also kept an eye out for any monsters that may try to attack me. But luckily, none showed up. That is, until two glowing white eyes showed up from behind a bush, and soon after, a glowing smile followed. "Human!" Krobus whispered excitedly as they made their way towards the porch. "Sorry I couldn't speak to you last night. On Fridays, I stay silent as a sign of devotion to Yoba." the shadow said. "Ah, so it's a religious thing. I wouldn't really know about that, since I'm... Well... Not religious." I wrote, scratching the back of my neck.

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