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"Well, don't you look handsome." Robin said jokingly after seeing Steve in the outfit he had picked up for their date night. "I'm the luckiest girl in all of Hawkins."

Steve scoffed and rolled his eyes at her sarcasm, but he still smiled at her. He was wearing black dress pants and a white button down with the first few buttons opened to reveal some of his neck, a simple outfit, while Robin wore a blue silk button down blouse and dark blue dress pants.

She looked beautiful, as always.

Steve had taken her on a shopping spree during their honeymoon in Los Angeles when they went to Disney. They came back with more suitcases and clothes than the ones they had left with. In private, Robin made jokes about "securing the bag" and that since Steve was older than her (just by one year, but still) he technically counted as her sugar daddy. Steve just scoffed and chuckled at all of her jokes, but he enjoyed seeing her wear the clothes he had bought her, and enjoyed spoiling her and buying her things in general. He felt like it was a way of saying "thank you" for everything she was doing for him. Robin deserved nothing less.

Since they still had time before they had to arrive at their reservation, they ended up deciding to stop by the Henderson's house and pick up Dustin to drop him off at his club meeting. Robin waited for Steve in the car, listening to the music in the radio while Steve went to the front door of the Henderson's and knocked.

"Stevie!" Claudia Henderson exclaimed with glee after opening the door and seeing him. Steve smiled at the woman. "My, you look so handsome!"

Steve chuckled, blushing lightly.

"Thanks, Mrs. Henderson."

"I'm happy to see you, actually. I heard the news, and though I didn't think you would do it so young, I'm also happy for you."

"Thanks, Mrs. Henderson." He repeated.

"Finally, you're here!" Dustin groaned while stepping outside the house. "Let's go! I don't wanna be late!"

Steve rolled his eyes annoyed at the boy while Claudia put her hand on her son's shoulder. "Wait a minute, Dusty."

"What, mom?" Dustin asked the woman, impatient. Speaking of patience, Steve would like to know where did Mrs. Henderson keep her stash of it and borrow a bit so he could have some while dealing with Dustin.

"Steve, where is the missus?"

Steve looked surprised at the woman, and so did Dustin.

"She's waiting in the car."

"Tell her to come. I'd just like to meet her."

Dustin looked agape at his mother.

"Mom, can't you meet her later? I'm late to my club meeting, and— and they have a reservation at Enzo's! You don't want them to be late, right?"

"Relax, Dusty. It'll be quick. I just want to say hi to the lucky lady." She said, to both Dustin and Steve.

And Steve didn't have the heart of saying no to Mrs. Henderson, so he awkwardly walked towards his car while Dustin stood impatient and annoyed next to his saint of a mother and knocked on the window of Robin's seat. She turned down the volume to the Blondie song on the radio and opened the window to look talk to Steve.

"What is it?"

"Dustin's mom, she wants to meet you. Come on, it'll be quick."

Robin looked surprised at him, her freckled cheeks lightly blushing. She opened her door and as she stepped outside the car, Steve offered her his hand, which she took and held while coming out of the vehicle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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