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It was originally going to be Kofi supporter exclusive. But I want to share this story with all of you ❤💜

Hope you all like it 😊


Maybe it's the way you say my name
Maybe it's the way you play your game
But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you
But it's so good, I've never dreamed of anybody like you

" My lord, the carriage is ready for departure, the high lord is waiting for you. "

Taehyung closed the book he was reading when the familiar voice reached his ears. He looked at the reflection of the face in the water of the pond, probably the only way Jungkook would let him see his face as the boy was too adamant to keep his head bowed at every given time.

Taehyung stood up and Jungkook hastily came forward to push back the seat picking back a satin towel and covering his rough bruised hand before offering support to the young lord.

It was a common practice, a lowly slave can not touch the master but Taehyung bit his lips. He wants to feel that rough hands, he wants to know how would they feel on his body.

But asking that from Jungkook would lead him to nowhere.

" Why don't you say my name? " Taehyung walked letting his silk hanbok flutter with the wind trying hardest to not look at Jungkook and appear uninterested just like the boy does, too scared to make Jungkook uneasy.

" I dare not, my lord. "

Like always the answers were short and clipped and it shouldn't bother Taehyung that much because it is the way every servant talks to him in the mansion and Jungkook was a slave lower than that but in some part of his heart Taehyung considered the boy his friend.

And somewhere along the line had developed unwanted and unappreciated feelings for the same boy.

It hurts how he was not even able to say anything about the same, scared of the boy distancing himself.

" but aren't we friends Kook " he tried to sound playful as if the words were just empty words and does not carry his whole heart in them.

Jungkook looked up, probably for the first time ever, " we are not my lord, I am your slave, you are my master. "

And maybe the sound of Taehyung's heartbreak didn't reach him or if it did he carefully ignored it, when Taehyung pulled away from his hand from Jungkook's gasp the man didn't hold on, didn't try to stop just followed behind the young lord with his head down just like a slave should.


Taehyung had always been a carefree child, with loving parents, older siblings who would dote on him, and his best friend who would spend his whole day with him.

It was Jimin who got a slave first at fourteen years old, Yoongi the boy was barely three-four years older than both of them but everything about him was quiet and Taehyung wasn't oblivious enough to not notice how his best friend has gotten way more happier after getting his slave.

Every time Jimin came over with his slave in tow he would talk on and on about how amazing Yoongi was whenever the slave was out of sight. He saw his friend fall into a silly crush and Taehyung wanted to have a slave too.

Only next year on his fifteenth birthday his father bought him a slave, a boy barely thirteen, with heavy shackles around his hands, legs, and neck with chains locking them all in place, clothes dirty, and bruises on his skin.

As his father handed the chain to him Taehyung was happiest.

Now that both Jimin and Taehyung look back at the day they regret, they realize how fucked up it really was and just how justified was it if their slaves hate them.

Taehyung did not know about Jungkook, he knows nothing about him the boy does not talk about himself ever not to him and not to anyone else in the mansion but the only person whom he used to talk with was Yoongi.

Yoongi had run away from Jimin, ran away with one of the foreign land knights Jung Hoseok. That was the day he saw his best friend cry, sob hysterically asking forgiveness for a crime he do not commit from the person who was not with him anymore.....

" I am sorry, Yoongi hyung, I love you... Come back, please... I would be better, I would love you, would leave everything for you... I am sorry "

Taehyung had stayed the awake night after night consoling his best friend who was heartbroken but lied to his parents telling them he let Yoongi leave by himself to scared that he would hate him if Jimin would take away his freedom once again.

Jimin's heart did not mend, but he had learned to wear a mask, smile in gatherings, and laugh with people but Taehyung did not miss how empty his eyes look.

And Taehyung could relate to him as he look at Jungkook, internally preparing himself to expect the boy to leave one day too and he would let him go whenever he wants, he would, however, savor as much time Jungkook would choose to stay with him.

That's the least he can do.



What do you think ???💜🥰

Should I continue?? 😊❤

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