Chapter 1

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"How did we end up here?! " went my alarm tone. 5 Seconds of Summer was one of the only things that made me happy. I got out of bed.
Another suckish day of school. I thought to myself. As I got dressed in my normal attire, skinny jeans and a t-shirt, my mom came in my room. Ugh.
    I have nothing against my parents, it's just that they want me to be like normal girls,which I am not. I am pansexual , but nobody knows that; and I have anxiety attacks all the time when in class or anything that has to do with talking to people that aren't my parents. It's even worse when I'm on my period. Just saying. I get super emotional and it's weird.
"Nina, I've been calling your name for 2 minutes now! HELLO, EARTH TO NINA! " my mom exclaimed and that knocked me into reality.
" Huh? What did you say? "I asked. She just groaned and left my room.
Huh. Weird. I thought. I tried turning on my ipod so I could get it ready for the bus but it wouldn't turn on. I started pressing the on button harder, but still nothing. I started getting really frustrated with it. So I threw it. I threw it at the wall with all the force I had, and watched it crumble into a bunch of pieces.
Well I'm definitely not getting another one, I'm going to be in so much trouble. I just dug my nails further into my palm, till I felt liquid. I have a habit of throwing things and I often dont feel better about things until I can feel pain. Like yesterday, I got mad because a game wouldn't work on my phone so, I punched the wall hard enough to feel pain in my fist.
"SHIT!" It was 6:59, my bus was coming in 2 minutes. I bolted out the door, down the stairs.
"Bye mum, dad," I said then ran before I could get their reply. My bus got there right when I got to the bus stop. Thank Allah. I thought to myself. My best friend, only friend, Aleyna,is Muslim, so she believes in Allah, which I just say sometimes because I can.
And off we go to the hellhole.

Hey, how was that chapter? I hope you guys liked it. Thx

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