Chapter 2

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    I got off the bus sluggishly, not caring about the stupid people behind me. I know, they aren't all stupid, but I don't really like people I guess, I'm just weird so people don't like me and vice versa.
    Once I got inside the school, I headed towards my locker, did the combo, that surprisingly has been the same all 3 years, cause I'm a junior in high school.
"she's so weird." I heard someone say. I know they were talking about me, if someone says something with the word weird, it's always me. I just ignore it though. They think I'm some lifeless, shy, weak person but I actually had self defense classes when I was in 8th grade. Don't ask. They don't even know me,yet they judge me. Freaks.
  My phone started ringing, and Pierce the Veil starts playing.      Fuck. I immediately grab my phone from my pocket to see that's its my cousin. Sigh. I look around to see everyone starting at me. I roll my eyes and answer the phone.
   "you do realize that I'm at school, right?" I say my voice full of annoyance.
  " yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway I just wanted to tell you that I'm coming over on Friday," she said.
  "and you couldn't wait till after school to tell me because?" I ask.
She just grunted then hung up. I rolled my eyes at her stupid behavior. I put my phone on silent, to prevent anymore annoying things, and put my phone in my pocket. I get my books for first class and head on my way.
   The first 3 classes were the same as usual; I struggle, people stare at me, I get called on, I panic. Same ole, same ole. Next class though, is my favorite. P. E. i dont actually like the class, I just like my teacher. She is my favorite, she understands my issue and doesn't pressure me. Plus, she's hot. I mean if she wasn't married, and straight, I'd totally go for her.
As I walking toward the locker room to change into my uniform, someone pulled me into the closet. I would've screamed, but the person was covering my mouth. I bit their hand, and heard a masculine groan. Heh, so it's a guy. I thought.
He let go of my mouth and I said, "who the fuck are you?"
"Mark. Mark Jenkins, I'm in you Chem class,"he replied.
" Oh I think I've heard of you. Why did you kidnap me? "I ask not pleased. I knew exactly who he was, he is one of the smart jocks. Ew.
" i just wanted to talk to you, I wanted to get to know you better. WAIT NO, NOT LIKE THAT! I just wanted to like do an interview on you,"he replied. I laughed at him. He just stayed silent.
" why me? Why not one of the cheerleaders or some other sluts?" I ask pleased with my slut comment for some reason.
He hesitated, "nobody really knows anything about you, besides that you are really quiet,"
I started humming, to stay away from my friends by Pierce the Veil. I do that when I want to retain myself from punching a person.
" why are you humming? Is that Pierce the Veil?" he asked.
I was stunned. "yeah, I love them. I didn't know you knew them," i said.
  "yeah! They are like, life!" he replied happily. Wow. Never would've seen that coming!
"yeah same. Well, I better go. I'm already late," I said. And with that I left the closet.
Well, now I'm late.
Well that was corny.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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