• Blake Anderson •

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I loved my life

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I loved my life. I had busted my ass all of my life, to get to where I am now. I work as an orthopedic trauma surgeon at a local emergency room in Texas. Over the last decade of my life, I had been a slave to medical school, residency, you name it. My life revolved around school; early mornings and late nights, and we can't forget the musculoskeletal system. Bones. Tendons. Ligaments. Muscles. These terms..were my life.

Because of my rigorous schedule throughout schooling, relationships were never really my thing. Yeah, sure, I fooled around, but who didn't? Graduating from medical school, and completing my residency program with honors, I had finally secured a position in an ER. I was the one who got called for the traumas, the open fractures, the motor vehicle accidents, the drunk dumbasses jumping off of rooftops; you name it, I was called. My schedule is just as rigorous now, as a D.O., as it was when I was in school. Still, no time for relationships. The closest thing to a relationship would be a late night or early morning hookup in the on-call room with another medical professional, because we just had a shit shift, and needed to fuck the stress out of each other. It always felt like medical professionals were the only ones who understood what we went through, so it was easy to fall into bed with each other. The trick was, to never wake up with one.

It was 4 AM, and I was dead asleep, when my phone began ringing. Groaning, I reached the lamp and turned the light on. The ER, naturally.

"Dr. Anderson speaking." Tiredness laced my voice.

"Sorry for waking you, doctor. We have a motor vehicle accident en route. Open femoral shaft fracture, amongst abdominal injuries that will require surgical intervention."

"I'm on my way. Keep the patient stable, and push pain medication and antibiotics. Prep the OR for an open reduction of the femur fracture and internal fixation. Get my team and my instrumentation ready."

I lazily got out of bed and prepared to head to the hospital after brushing my teeth, and throwing my hair into a bun. I was on call today, so I could come home after this surgery, pending no other emergencies occurred.






"Prep for wash out."

"Staple gun."

After 3 long hours in surgery, the patient's femur fracture was fixed with a plate and screws, and safely secured back inside the thigh. While successfully completing my surgery with minimal to no complications, Dr. Abrams was operating on the abdominal injuries.

I took my mask off, and made my way to the on-call room to change and head home.

"Hey, Blake, you busy?" A voice whispered into my ear as I began to take my scrub top off.

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