Goodbye Tom.

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TORD POV:  I got up, telling Paul and Patryck my plan. I walked back into the room where Matt and Tom were. I switched on the light, Matt quickly getting up, Tom still sleeping. "Perfect." I snickered. Matt came forward towards me. "Please.. Just take me, if you promise to let him go." I looked at him, 'confused'. "Hmm? Oh dearest Matt.. Are you sure?" I said in a baby voice. He nodded, his eyes hard on me like bricks. I then called Paul and Patryck. "Take Tom and bring him back home, Matt is staying!" They nodded, putting Tom in the box, him waking up. "Huh? Matt! W-what's going on?" Matt looked over to Tom, their eyes meeting. "I'm sorry Tom, check on Edd for me." Tom tried to rebel but Paul injected him with some kind of Midazolam shot, making him fall asleep. I came up and held Matt's hand. "Ahh, just us now eh?" He didn't respond looking at the white floor. "Fine. Stay here until you get your act together." I walked out with Matt yelping for me to come back.

MATT POV:  I fell on my knees, sobbing. I looked around trying to find help but was left with nothing. Just a white room. I went back to the bed, seeing a piece of Tom's torn hoodie. I quickly grabbed it and kept it close to me. I cried, missing him already. Did I make the right choice? Tom.. 

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