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Amerikhan Head canons

1. Kamala following America's family traditions that she enjoys ✖️

2. America using Kamala's lap as a pillow during sleepovers at Kamala's house ✖️

3. America wakes up to find that it had snowed overnight and gets excited about playing in it. Kamala gets excited because that means when America comes inside, it will be time for cuddling by the fire with warm cocoa made by Wanda ✖️

4. Kamala and America struggling to find each other in a crowded place. Fortunately, Kamala knows just the thing pizza ✖️

5. America and Kamala on a clear night stargaze then fall asleep in a really warm blanket ✖️

6. No villain dares hurt them or face the wrath of the duo plus America's Avenger family ✖️

7. Reality (America's dad) is the biggest shipper and helped America with pick-up lines ✖️

8. Kamala will comfort America anyway she can when America feels home sick on a stake mission ✖️

9. Kamala showing America some of her favourite viral videos/memes/vines ✖️

10. America wearing Kamala's shirt, curled up in Kamala's lap, her face in the crook of Kamala's neck while Kamala absentmindedly plays with America's hair while reading something/scrolling on their phone ✖️

11. Kamala is a superhero and has a massive crush on America while America is infatuated by Kamala's alter ego. (Not knowing it's Kamala) ✖️

12. They are both oblivious goofballs ✖️

13. America is the top despite Kamala being taller but can switch depending scenario ✖️

14. America is infatuated whenever Kamala rants about Captain Marvel ✖️

15. Kamala and America share ice-cream and pizza together ✖️

16. Mayhem is in their so pure chaos ✖️

17. They babysit Morgan when Pepper feels overwhelmed ✖️

18. America always holds onto Kamala because she's scared of losing her ✖️

19. If anyone threatens Kamala, America sends a deadly glare one Yelena would be proud of/slightly scared of ✖️

20. They go to classes together and won cutest couple on year book ✖️

21. Karli always hangs out with them ✖️

22. Kamala always asks questions about different universes ✖️

23. Comfort movie is Encanto ✖️

24. America teaches Kamala Spanish ✖️

25. Kamala is the cook of the relationship ✖️

26. For Halloween they dress up with the others superhero costumes ✖️

27. Kamala and America light up any room ✖️

28. Both are supportive of each other ✖️

29. Peter is a big brother to both ❌

30. Kamala is the better driver (but usually Wanda takes them places) ✖️

31. Kamala is Bi but no one replaces America ✖️

32. During meetings they sit on the same chair (America on Kamala's lap) ✖️

33. Kamala gives America a piggy back ride to their shared house ✖️

34. Kamala telling really dumb and corny jokes to America, thinking she is so clever and funny. America thinks Kamala is adorable for thinking the jokes are funny ✖️

35. AU: Kamala is an android but can't harm America ever despite differences and they form an unbreakable bond ✖️

36. Kamala and America have a photo of their first kiss together ✖️

37. Them accidentally (or purposefully) dozing off in a hammock together as the sun sets and the air cools down. ✖️

38. Kamala is trying to impress America and ends up falling flat on their face. As Kamala lays on the ground and slowly die from embarrassment, America has a mind-blowing realization that she actually really like Kamala and when she helps Kamala up off the ground, she pulls them into a kiss. ✖️

39. Movie nights ✖️

40. Picnic on a beach ✖️

41. Swimming together ✖️

42. Camping Outside (Roasting marshmallows, setting up tent, sleeping, telling spooky stories, fishing gone wrong and fluffy stuff) ✖️

43. Cooking contest (Gordon Ramsey, Greg Wallace and Paul Hollywood) ✖️

44. Prom together ✖️

45. Drink milkshake together at local cafe ✖️

46. America being overwhelmed by press ✖️

47.  America's Mental struggles and only opens up to Kamala ✖️

48. Kamala's Field trip to Avengers Tower ✖️

49. Karaoke night (Feat. Shang Chi and Katy Chen) ✖️

50. America and Kamala trying to hide their relationship. However, it turns out everyone knows they're dating. ✖️

51. Kamala gives America a massage after a long day of training with Yelena and Xialang ✖️

52. First Christmas together (just fluffiness galore) ✖️

53. Wrong Number ✖️

54. Incorrect quotes

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