" Confess"

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It been 3 month after you confront zee about her identity crisis and still keeping a secret together, you and zee was beginning to hang out with each other and then with her friends which you were little shy and awkward to be around but got over it after awhile

But zee told her friends that you know her identity , they were shock hearing that but told that you is gonna keep a secret, they weren't sure for second but decided to see how it goes and willing to trust you ,but eventually after 3 months of knowing you , hanging out and trusting you , they trust you

You were chill with zee friends but you started to have feeling for her again...sexually feeling , the way she move and the way her hips sway and how good looking she is and sexy she is , you think of all the moments that you have with zee like how she commented that your funny and kind you are and call you a gentleman when you open the door for her

You then got a text from zee interrupting your thoughts, you immediately grab your phone in a flash of a eye , zee texted saying "hey y/n ! So me and the girls are going to a Halloween party at school in a few week, I was wondering if you want to come , but if your busy I totally understand"

You weren't really a Halloween party kinda guy or any party that you been in , you were going to text her and make an excuse but stop yourself thinking this might be a opportunity of being with zee more and maybe how you feel about her , you text her back saying "yeah i think I can go , I ain't doing anything in a few week"

You put your phone on the bed seeing the screen on the phone , just to see her text back you didn't know if she'll see it or not , you then see three bubble dots saying she texting you back and seconds later you got a response

You grab your phone and look at it to see what zee say "great !! Can't wait to see you at the party in a few week 😘" you were happy that she happy your going

Y/n : cool cool , I mean it just one party how annoying well it be....wait a sec is that a kiss emoji??????

(A few later)

The day finally arrived and got your costume ready to go , you were told that you and zee's friends was gonna wearing swapping their hero suit and decided you dress as Batman just so you can see babs reaction since she won't shut up about Batman every 24 hours

But you made a little change to your Batman costume, you made the logo red and unity belt so nobody won't get you confuse and thinking your the real Batman , you walk down to the streets of a address where to meet that zee text you , till you saw zee's friends In there costumes

Y/n : hey guys , you look so awesome in your costume

Karen : hey thanks y/n , you look too babs really gonna like your costume

Babs : WOW Y/n YOU ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE BATMAN , well except for the red lenses and the logo and without a cape but still look cool !!

Y/n Um thanks babs really appreciate for the feedback , so we're ready to go ?

Karen : not yet we're just waiting for zee

All of sudden a white Limo pull up on the street ,the door was kick and came out with zee wearing a woman woman costume and make her great entrance as ever

Zee : great Hera ! (Singing voice)

Dina : seriously , when have I ever-

Kara : zee you supposed to be supergirl

Zee : oh I know but then I saw how fabulous I look in these boots , and well come on

You was stunned how zee look in her Wonder Woman costume, you were blushing crazy with the way she look and thinking sexual thoughts about her ,but you have to control yourself because your wearing skin spandex that almost show your body and the below that is isn't very well hidden

Y/n : wow zee you look um amazing...with the costume I mean

Zee : thank y/n you look good too

Babs : ok guys let get this party started !!!

You ,zee her friends enter the high school door and went to the gymnasium and see the gym is pack with every students in their costume enjoying the party, zee and her friends, and you join in the party and enjoying having a good time, with the music making everyone pump up and dancing to you

You on the other hand was dancing to it till you see zee dancing , seeing her make you again having sexual thoughts about her ,with the way she move and see her hips and breast jiggle a bit , you walk over to get drink and chill at the wall

You try every possible way to get out of your head and quit thinking of your thoughts, but it all clear that you want to tell zee that you have a crush on her and your going to tell her tonight , after the dancing was over , zee walk up to you from the dancing floor

Zee : there you are I was looking all over for you

Y/n : oh sorry I was just uhhh getting some drink to chill

Zee : oh then ok , I was just worried that you left

Y/n : you kidding I would never left not without you

Zee blush as she lean herself against the wall ,you tap your cup nervously while you look at her, you think to yourself it now or never , you clear your throat and put your cup down

Y/n : so uh zee

Zee : yes y/n ? She turn her head to you , you almost back out of not telling but you decided to tell her already

Y/n : ok so I'm just gonna say it...before I make it weird, I have a crush on you zee for the first day we meet...and knowing your hero identity in one day , and I can't stop thinking about you everyday,week or even month...I found your very attractive and I would love to be more then friends

Zee was stun and surprise of the words that came out of your month , she got off the walk and stand next to you face to face

Zee : y/n ? You turn to see her face as well

Y/n : y..yea zee , she grab your face and give you a kiss on your lips , you were shock and amaze that zee was kissing you

You felt like the kiss was like minutes in heaven ,till she stop kissing you , the two of you was blushing red

Zee : that was romantic and most cheesy thing you have ever said to me

Y/n : well it work did it ? Not that I'm being cocky about it , zee giggle of your dorky move

Zee : you big dork , so wanna continue having fun or your just gonna stay at the wall, she give you a kiss again and walk back to the dance floor ,you look down at zee ass again with her swaying hips , you think to yourself that zee was doing it on purpose or not but you didn't care all you want to be with zee and more importantly you got a kiss by zee zatanna

Y/n : I think I'll be at the dance instead...this is the best day in my life


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