Chapter 7

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Spencer's POV:

I was walking from my bus and I saw that Jason guy standing by a different bus. "That was quite the performance yesterday." He smirked "What do you want? I've already done what you said and now I've lost a dear friend." I said getting upset. "Hey, I'll keep my promise as long as you keep yours. As soon as I get her home safe and sound you won't see me ever again." He said before walking away. I have a bad feeling about this, but I don't want her to get hurt. I raised my hood and I just kept walking towards the gates of the venue. The whole day I've been contemplating on if I should tell Violet or not. "Spencer!" I heard someone call for me. I turned around to see Austin from Water Parks. "Hey Austin." I said. "A fan asked me to give this to you. She said that it was really important." He said handing me what looked like a fan letter before walking away smiling at me. I had time since I'm not allowed to go see Violet, so I sat down at a random table and started to read it.

Dear Spencer,

Thank you for trying to protect me. But he is lying to you. He wants to hurt me whether we're friends or not. I tried my best to keep you out of this but unfortunately, he pulled you in anyway. If you're reading this then please come meet me on my bus. I'll be waiting before my next band and then I will answer every question that you have.

-From Your Biggest Fan Violet

P.S. – Watch your surroundings. He'll be watching you.

I smiled because I was happy that she wasn't upset with me and that I was going to still have her as a friend. I pretended like I got a phone call from our photographer Steve and that he wanted to meet on his bus. Then I quickly hurried to the bus but while making sure that I wasn't followed. I got on the bus and Violet was the only one on it. "Hey buddy" She smiled at me "Hey" I smiled back before hugging her. "I'm so sorry. I thought that I was protecting you." I said when we pulled apart. "I know." She said as we sat down at the table. "How did you find out?" I asked "Your hood. You were the only person that I told that to and you did it as you walked away from me." She explained. We talked for a bit explaining everything to each other. I told her how he randomly came up to me and told me that if I wanted her safe that I couldn't be her friend anymore. She told me that he was her abusive ex and that he was trying to take her away from everyone. "What are we going to do?" I asked "Well I've been learning how to protect myself. But I don't want anything to happen to you because of me. So, I think it's best if we pretend that we're not friends. Which is going to be hard since I'm switching with Steve tomorrow." She said. "What?" I asked "I wasn't sure if you were going to show up, so I had a backup plan to see and try to talk to you tomorrow. Plus, he probably remembered my schedule so switching for the day will throw him off." She explained "So when we see each other how we will know what's fake and what's real in our conversations?" I asked because I don't want anything that I say for her to take to heart. "We'll use a code phase. How about...'I can't stand you'?" She asked "Perfect" I smiled, and she smiled back at me. We talked for a little longer like we usually did before I left the bus to go to my signing. It felt so good to talk like we did every day.

Violet's POV:

A half hour after Spencer left, I went to leave the bus but when I opened the door Jason was there. I quickly tried to close the door, but he was stronger than me. "Leave me alone!" I yelled while kicking him, so he fell away from the door and I quickly closed and locked it before calling Emerson. "Hi Babe" He said happily. "He's trying to get on my bus." I said quickly "Who? Jason?" He asked concern in his voice. "Yes." I said then I heard him starting to bang on the door. "Violet! Get out here now! You don't want your little boyfriends to get hurt, do you?" Jason said banging "Emerson don't come here." I said "What? Are you crazy?" He asked "He'll hurt you if you show up. You guys need to stay wherever you are." I said "I don't care! I'm not leaving you alone" He said "Please don't come here! Please. I love you Emerson." I said feeling tears running down my face. "I love you Violet. I promise that you'll be safe in my arms again." He said. "Violet, listen to me. Whatever you do, don't leave the bus." Remington said "We'll figure something out to get you." Sebastian said. "Ok. Please be careful" I said before we hung up. "Don't you have a band to go to?! You're going to have to leave the bus eventually!" Jason yelled. I just sat on the couch while hugging my knees to my chest as I cried into my lap.

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