Chapter 15

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*A Week Later*

Violet’s POV:

My wounds were basically closed but I kept a Band-Aid on them just in case. It felt so good to be able to finally move around like I wanted to while still being somewhat careful not to reopen anything. This past week has had its ups and downs but luckily today I got to switch bands with Steve again! I was so excited to work with more of the heavier bands today. Don’t get me wrong working every day with my other bands and building friendships has been amazing and fun. But there’s something a little more special about being able to work with the bands that you basically look up to. Once I was ready to go, I walked outside to see Chris Motionless walking past my bus. “Hey Chris! Wait up!” I called to him and he stopped and smiled when he saw it was me. “Hey Violet, Heard you would be working with us today” He smiled as we continued to walk towards his workshop tent. “Yep. Don’t worry I’ll be sure to get only your good side.” I laughed as I held my camera up. He laughed while putting his hand on my head kind of like a big brother as we were almost there. I was halfway through the day and it was going amazing as usual. I was on my lunch break, but I had a little time after my last set to eat, so I just headed straight to the Palaye Royale stage. “Hey Babe” I smiled seeing Emerson first and he quickly pulled me to where no one could see us and kissed me. “Hello beautiful” He smiled at me. I smiled back as I pulled him closer to me and reconnected our lips. I smiled into the kiss as I felt his hands slightly tighten on my hips. He moved from my lips to my neck and found my sweet spot. When he did that all of these images came rushing to my head. “Babe?” Emerson asked concerned when I pushed him away and held my head in my hands. I could see that day so clear and the night before. I heard the gun shots and felt the pain as I yelled to protect Emerson. Soon everything stopped and was quiet besides the sounds of Warped Tour. I blinked a few times to make sure that I was still looking at the same ground. I slow brought my hands down before looking up at Emerson, who had a concerned look on his face. I carefully stepped closer to him and hugged him tightly as tears started to come down my face. “I remember! I finally remember everything!” I cried happily into his chest. I felt him sigh in relief as he just held me close and kissed the top of my head. After a few moments I calmed down and we pulled away. Emerson and I smiled at each other as he cleaned up my face and fixed my makeup. “So, you remember the whole day?” He asked when he was done. “Yep.” I smiled “Even the night before?” He asked shyly while lightly blushing. “Everything” I smiled as I put my hand on his chest, that was slightly bare because of how open his shirt was on top, before placing a kiss on his neck near his sweet spot to show him that I remembered where it was. He smiled while biting his bottom lip before kissing my lips once more. “Come on, we have to tell the guys that you got your memory back.” He smiled when we pulled away, before grabbing my hand in his and we ran to the guys. “There you are. We were looking for you.” Remington said when they saw us. “Guys! I got my memory back!” I said happily. “Woah that’s amazing!” Sebastian said just as happy because he knew how much this meant to me and Emerson. “Congrats” Remington smiled, and I smiled back at them. They finished doing warmups and I couldn’t help but gaze over at Emerson. “Why are you looking at him like that?” Sebastian laughed noticing me. “Now that I can remember that night with Emerson, I can’t help but be happy that he’s mine.” I said honestly, and Sebastian just laughed as he ruffled my hair. Soon they went on stage and it was nice to be able to just relax and watch my amazing boyfriend do what he loves. When they finished there set I kissed Emerson and told him and the guys that I would see them later before going to my next band. I got to Ice Nine Kills’ stage just in time for them to do warmups. “Hey Violet, can I ask you something?” Spencer asked me. “Sure” I said walking up to him. “Can you sing with me today?” He asked, and I was shocked “I saw you signing with Remington and I want you to sing with me too.” He said, and I thought about it. “What song?” I asked. “Love Bites” He said and I smiled because I like that song. “I would love to” I smiled at him “Awesome. It’ll be the last song of the set” He smiled back before going back to his warmups. It was the middle of the set and I was having so much fun with the guys. Soon it was time for me to sing with Spencer. At first, I was a little nervous, but I took a deep breath before beginning to sing with him. It was amazing to be able to sing this song on stage with Spencer. Even though he is my friend now, he will always be one of my favorite singers. If you would’ve told me that my dream of singing with him on a Warped Tour stage would be coming true, I would’ve laughed in your face. I was so happy in this moment that I forgot all about the crowd until the song ended and I heard them cheering for us. Spencer and I smiled at each other before we hugged. When we pulled away I turned and bowed to the crowd before walking off stage with my stuff. A few seconds later the guys came off of the stage. “You did great” Spencer smiled at me. “That was like a dream come true for me to sing with you on stage.” I smiled back then I realized how much of a fangirl I sounded like. “Aww you’re adorable when you fangirl over me” He laughed ruffling my hair. “Oh, shut it” I laughed fixing my hair. I told Spencer how I got my memory back and he was happy for me. Then I said goodbye to the guys before going to my next band. I had just finished with my last band of the day and I was sad at how fast the day went. I wish that I could work more with these bands. But I’m glad to have the friends that I have made with my bands on this tour. I started heading to my bus and I saw Emerson ahead of me. I smiled as I started to run towards him and then yelled his name when I got close enough to him. “Woah!” He jumped then quickly relaxed when he saw that it was me. “Hey babe” He smiled before kissing my lips. “Babe, I’m tired. Can you carry me to my bus?” I asked with my puppy dog eyes. “Sure Babe. Hop on” He smiled before crouching down in front of me. “Yay! You’re the best boyfriend ever!” I said excitedly as I climbed onto his back and kissed his cheek before holding on as he stood up and held under my thighs, so I wouldn’t fall as he walked the rest of the way to my bus. When we got there he carefully put me down before turning around to face me. “Thank you” I smiled at him. “Anything for you beautiful” He smiled back at me. “How did I get so lucky to have such a gentleman like you?” I smiled up at him. “How did I get so lucky to have a beautiful soul like you?” He smiled back at me while holding me close to him. “I love you Emerson” I said looking into his eyes. “I love you more Violet” he said looking back at me. I kissed his lips before we pulled away. “Make sure you and the guys get your rest tonight.” I smiled at him. “Wish you were still on our bus.” He said holding my hand in his. “I know Babe. But trust me when I say that this will be good for us.” I said trying to reassure him and he sighed while nodding. “Goodnight My Love.” I said caressing his cheek. “Goodnight My Heart” He smiled before kissing my cheek and walking away. I watched as he walked away, I sighed before going onto my bus. I was able to finish my work early and headed to my bunk for the night. I texted Emerson before I went to sleep like I always did before putting my headphones in and falling asleep for the night.

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