How we talked

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I didn't care about love until one day she appeared into my life. It's a magical story of how I fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the world. About how she touched my soul after I've been broken so many times before her, how she cared about me when no one else did. But I was horrible to her because I was never use to it. Normally stories have good or bad  endings but this one doesn't have either at the moment because this story isn't over just yet. So it's time to stop talking about the end of this story when you don't even know the beginning. I'm Ken, Ken Robertson, this story will go deeper into my adventures of how I met her. The girl of my dreams.

It all started in the middle of summer in 2021, I was at home texting girls because I was bored and also watching my friend Martian play the game. It was one of those types of summers where we'd go out and just be boys as usually, meeting girls and trying to hook up with them. My summer was kinda slow because I didn't feel like talking to anyone to be honest. I remembered telling Martin "I'll never get into a relationship because I don't need anyone". We both ended up laughing it off and continued what we was doing. I started scrolling on Facebook until I saw this gorgeous girl. I said to myself "nah she won't give me the time of day" but I still tired. I texted her "hey". Knowing I'd probably wouldn't get a response back. Not even minutes went pass but I heard my phone "ding"  she texted back... I couldn't believe it. "Hey" she said back. I didn't know what to say because I wasn't expecting this. "How are you?" I said. She responded with "good wbu?" After that message it felt like we was talking for hours because I was so nervous, no girl ever made me this nervous before. I told her how I was doing and everything else just felt great the conversations flowed like the currents in a calm riverbank. It was nice I ended up asking "would you like to go on a date?" Her attitude then changed like she was use to this. I mean if you could see what I saw.. she probably was use to it. "Where a dinner and a movie ? Something simple like that right" she said with so much anger.. I had to think outside the box which I did. "Why would I take you to a dinner and movie when that mean we won't be talking as much because we're either stuffing our faces and watching something" I said. She texted back a "lol see someone gets it so where would you wanna take me". I thought to myself for a few moments until I figured it out. "How about we go to Barnes and Noble and read and talk to each other?" I asked her.. she was so excited with that and agreed to it with the quickest "yes please" anyone ever sent me. I was enjoying talking to her and I saw that she enjoyed talking to me too. We talked for hours and hours until those hours became days. I've never been this interested in someone before, this was so different and I loved it. Every single second.

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