The thought of her.

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After the room she had to leave and go back home, the night was still young so I just laid there thinking about her smooth chocolate skin and her eyes that looked into the deepest part of my soul, and her smell. The smell that didn't leave  the room because it was strong it lingered on and it was Divine. I sat there smiling telling myself is this really the one, I never felt like this ever. What I thought was love didn't compare to this at all, it was so different. Was I really falling in love with a girl I only been talking to for weeks. What kinda witchcraft did she do to me as I laid in that bed laughing and smiling all night until I fell asleep. The next day I woke up in the spot she was in the night before, thinking about how I need to see her again, how I wanna be with her more and more. This is so different from what I was use to, the last person I was in loved with did me so wrong and I was scared to fall in love again. But this was the best I ever felt and I wanted more. I wanted the feeling to surge into my body more. She was like my drug, I was so intoxicated by everything about her. I called soon as I woke up and her voice was just the most soothing voice you could ever hear, it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand tall like a soldier standing in front of his commander. I told her right there I need to see her again because what you did to me is amazing and I just want you more. "Let's go out again"I said to her. She made me happy and I haven't felt that in so long.. hearing her say yes made ecstatic.

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