pt1 °Come to bed,,

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【🌻】 No TW(s) 【🌻】

I came up with this randomly,,
and wanted to make it a little oneshots.
I wrote this one a little bit ago, just now finding a use for it.

Clank,, clank,, clank,,,
Tubbo swiftly turned his head in the direction of the sound of shoes clanking into the ground, seeing a tall figure, his husband. Walk into their room, he of which looked slightly upset. "Boo?, you alright bossman?" The Blonde asked in worry, the only times Ranboo has come home upset is when he had an argument and or did something. His beloved looked over at him, slightly startled. The enderman just nodded at his worried husband "Of course, Bee.", Not knowing if he should believe him, Tubbo just watched as the taller took his coat off, then his shoes, leaving on his suit.

"Bee, you don't have to watch my every move, I am alright." A voice softly spoke, his husband looking towards him slightly. "Sorry sorry," Tubbo muttered and looked away, continuing to work on the layout plan he had in front of him, for his nukes, the last test launch didn't work the way it should have, and to prevent anything like that again he would have to change the entire layout and design or everything on them. Soft footsteps came closer towards him, he didn't bother looking. Hands being placed on each of his shoulders, a head bringing itself beside his, only an inch apart if not closer than that. A voice whispered into his ears "What are you working on, ⋔⊬ ⌰⍜⎐⟒?." He set his paper down and grabbed his head in his hands. "Just this dumb nuke shit." The blonde rolled his eyes, "Why don't we head to bed, you seem stressed." His husband spoke, leaning away from the smallers ear and standing up straight. "Fine." Tubbo groaned and sat up.

Sorry, it was short, I kinda rushed.
Please maybe leave suggestions for different chapters in the comments, I'm slowly running out of Ideas.


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