Rio didnt shoot dean

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All these stories are fictional and thought up by me please dont hate


I just got back home I set my keys down and called out to Dean even though I didn't want to because I was disgusted by him right now I just found out he has been cheating on me for years

"Dean I'm home"

"In here mama"

I froze I knew who that voice belonged to it belonged to the one man who made my brain run in circles from the smell of his cologne to just his presence I entered the dining room to see Dean tied to a chair face beat to all hell and back and rio sitting next to him

"Carmen's got a bit more fight in him than it looks"

"What do you want!"

"Heh not so fun being at the top huh"

"I didn't want this"

"Really then why did you put me in jail!"

We argued back and forward for a bit then rio slide his gun across the table to me I picked it up and aimed it at him I had tear streaming down my face and he was saying something I couldn't really make it our

"I don't want to kill you"

"Yiu should have thought of that before you called the cops on me"

He got up fast and walked over to me he put the barrel of the gun to his chest he stared me straight in the eyes the he took his pinky and moved my hair

"Come on mama you got the guts"

I took a deep breath and I don't know what came over me but this serene feeling hit me i stopped crying and held the gun steady

"So what will it be mama?"

I didn't look at him I was going over everything on my head rio has always helped me even when he shouldn't have and he's been there but Dean hasn't he doesn't care for me he only cares for his bimbos and money he's made the clear when he's been cheating on me for years and gambling away all our money this made my blood boil how could a husband who was supposed to love and cherish you make you feel so low and insecure and cheat on you through all your pregnancys I looked up with anger and hurt evident in my eyes

"Wow mama do you have the balls to shoot me"

"Not you"

I took the gun out of my right hand away from Rios chest and put it in my left hand and aimed it at Dean who was now trying to scream and yell but can't because he's gagged rio looked at me surprised I didn't hesitate I shot him in his head I didn't blink I didn't cry I just shot him my hand was now shaking I felt another hand on top of mine when I looked to see who it was it was rio he looked at me with a confused look

"You shot him mamas"

"Hes and asshole who deserved it"

"Isn't he your husband"

"No he stopped being my husband the minute I found out he's been cheating on me and put us in debt"


Rio nodded his head I didn't move and I didn't take my eyes off where I shot Dean I started shaking then I broke down I started crying rio surprisingly brought me into a hug and started to run his hand over my head

"Shh it's okay mama's I'll clean this up go shower and change"

I nodded my head unable to form words at the moment then headed upstairs and started my shower

Rios POV

I watched as Beth walked away then looked back over to her dead husband I can't beleive she shot him and not me I shook my head and pulled out my phone and called diego

"What's up boss?"

"I need a clean up crew"

"Oh where you at?"

" *Beth's address* "

"Isn't that the lady's house who- "

"Yes just get some boys and get over here and get everything to clean up a gunshot"

"Who did you shoot"

"Diego just shut up"

"Right sorry we'll be right over there"

I hung up the phone then went upstairs to check in on Beth when I knocked on the bedroom I heard her say in a small voice 'enter' I walked in and she was on her bed in a towel still shaking I walked over to her and knelt in front of her

"Mamas I have a crew coming and cleaning up okay"

"Right you also need to make it look like he packed and left"

"Yeah I was planning on that but you shouldn't think about that right now"

"I just fant stop replaying what I did I was insane I shot my husband"

"Hey its my fault okay I put you in that situation"

"But I shot him you didn't make me do that"

"Just lay down and get some rest alright I have to let my boys in okay"

"Okay his clothes are on the left in the closet"

She mumbled as she layed down and closed her eyes I stood up and went downstairs and let diego and his crew in and they started right away while they were doingnthat I grabbed her purse and put it on the entry table but her phone started to ring when I looked at it it was he friend ruby I picked it up

"Oh thank God I've been trying to call you for over an hour"

"She's asleep at the moment"


"Yeah who else"

"What did you do with her WHERE IS SHE"

"Calm down like I said she's asleep come by tommorow morning to check on her right now she need the rest"

I hung up the phone and put it into the purse then walked to where they were cleaning up

"So who was this guy and why did you shoot him"

"I didnt shoot him she did"

"Store lady!?"

"Yeah apparently he's been sleepin around on her for years and playin away all there money"

"Oh damn I would shoot him too"

I nodded my head and watched them finish cleaning up I took diego up to the room to grab some cloths to make it look the Casper ran instead of being shot in his own home when I entered Beth was asleep on the bed in some pajamas I told diego to be quiet he went and entered the closet while he did that I sat next to Beth and brushed her hair away from her face and smiled at her I was so enthralled with Beth I didnt realize diego was done and was staring at me staring at Beth

"You must really care for her boss"

"....I don't know diego"

"Well we're all done so we'll be leaving"

"Okay thanks"

Diego left with a duffel bag over his shoulder I sat there with Beth for a little while longer than I started to get tired so I took off my shoes and layed down next to her she looked peaceful I slowly drifted off my arm wrapped around Beth's waist feeling warm and happy for some reason but it felt as if I was meant to be here


I hope you liked this first chapter

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