Dean's Drunk(Done)

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I was about to leave when I heard deans voice

"Where are you going"

"Out I have something to do"

In reality I had a drop with rio and the girls and if I was late again more than likely rio would kill me

"No you stay here we need to talk"

"Dean I have something to do and I can't be late"


He quickly got up and stomped over to me and arm with a lot of strength and force

"Dean your drunk let go of me"

"No your staying here with Mr understood"

I tried to fight out of his grip but surprisingly he's stronger than he looks but struggling made him angry he started to clench his hands on my upper arms tighter

"Stop moving bitch"

"Dean please your hurting me let go"

He let go of one of my arms and raised his hand he brought it back down with such force the sound of a slap resounded through the house he just kept smacking me over and over with the same force I could taste blood i felt my eye swelling and the feel the tears streaming down my face then he stopped I didn't know what was going on he then yanked me tour room what the hell is he doing

"Dean please just let go of me!"

"Shut up you stupid cunt"

We entered our room and he threw me on the bed oh God please don't be what I think this is he closed and locked the door I tried to get off the bed but I felt him grab my leg I tried to scream and kick I wish the kids weren't home they have probably heard this whole thing I felt him get on top of me and start to kiss my neck he held my arms and legs down so I couldn't move if I tried to fight he hit me hard with all his strength so I cried and pleaded but he didnt listen he continued I don't know how long it went on or if I ever stopped crying but it finally ended I layed there wrapped in my blanket while Dean got dressed and left I didn't know what to do I just layed in bed my whole body hurt it hurt to move it hurt to cry im covered in bruises and blood and s3m3n I layed there until I heard footsteps at my door at first I thought it was Dean coming back for more but the footsteps were to tiny when I looked at the door I saw Kenny standing there scared

"Mom are you okay"

"Yeah baby just daddy had a bit much to drink"

"Are you sure you sounded really scared"

"Yeah what's up love"

"That man with the neck tattoo is here"

I froze crap the drop I was in to much pain to move at the moment so I did something I wish I never had to

"Kenny hunny go into moms closet and grab the black bag on the ground"


He dissapeared behind the corner then popped back out holding the bag with both his hands

"Now I need you to take that to moms friend downstairs and please don't tell him about anything that happened last night okay"

"Alright ill be right back"

"Okay darling"

Kenny left and ai heard him walking away until I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore I then layed back down and wished that last night was just a nightmare


Kenny's POV

I walked down the stairs with the bag my mom told me to im still worried about her she looked really beat up and she sounded like she was being really hurt last night I shook those thoughts out of my head mom said not to worry when I reached the living room I saw moms friend playing with Jane and Emma when I walked in holding the bag he looked at me surprised I set the bag down on the floor

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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