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"You don't know about the visions?" I try focusing on what I have seen so far.She shook her head no. Is she a seer? But I thought seers need some ritual first before they can see anything.

"Lucy see but don't know."

"Ask her why she was in that dark place." Ajax sits accross us writing somethings. I did as he asked.

But she shook her head no again. "Do you remember anything before that?" I added.

"Hmmm... Lucy was... sleep. then," She held her head. "Don't know."

"If she can only understand emotions, the lack of it, her isolation may have caused why she does not remember anything. That is my theory."

If he is right, then she must be isolated her whole life. But that won't help us in finding about her origin. She burns with silver, so she must be a werewolf. But I can't link with her mind, although she can through visions. I haven't heard of wolves with this ability and why us, guardians? 


"Looks like you figured the same thing. Ask her." He said.

"Lucy, are you... a guardian?" My memories immediately focused on that day in Sicilia. How Laine stood and made the judgment of a guardian, How powerful she is. How she dissipate into thin air.

"Yes." Her answer caught me off guard although it was my, our, speculation. Does she understand the question correctly?

"You are a guardian?"

"Lucy is." She answered. "Like Laine." I don't know what is flabbergasting. Her saying that she is a guardian or her speaking Laine's name.

"Then her wall of understanding must be her curse." Ajax explained.

"But..." If she is one, "Guardian of what?"It took her a few seconds to answer as she seem to breakdown my question.

"I am guardian of the werewolves. Ajax is guardian of the vampires." I tried to explain.

"Oh. Lucy is guardian of human."

I subconsciously let go of her hand. This is too much information. Do humans have a guardian? And is she the first one or another new born?

She reached for my hand. I held hers again. "Sorry."

She nod. "Lucy is..." Is there more to this? Are there more to know? I don't know if I can take another information. "Lucy is hungry." Huh?

"You're hungry?"

She nod.

"Here." Ajax laid the food tray in front of her. "Let's let her eat."

I nod as I told her that we'll just be in another room while she eats.

Ajax heave a sigh as he slumped on his chair.

"I don't think it's alright to leave her for long." She lived in isolation. It must be terrible.

" You can go back after a while. Don't forget, it is also the first time she can communicate to anyone." His eyes are closed. "It's not only us who needs to absorb this much information. Let her rest."

Was I too attached? I was not thinking about her well being after all. Only my need to know, to hear her voice. To hear my name coming from her. To relive those short conversations with her.

"Don't beat yourself up for it. Just take it slow."

I breathed out. "Thank you."

"I know. Ugh. I'm tired."

Do vampires sleep? I don't but I am getting used to this. Do guardians sleep? Lucy does. I don't know about Dela.

"Get some rest. There's an available room at the end of the hall. Your mind needs to rest. Go. I'll take care of her."

He is right. Too much time with her made me unable to properly organize my thoughts.

"Then, I'll leave you be." He motioned for me to get out as he seems to prepare to sleep on his chair.

Sleep. Maybe I'll find it this time.

...Ajax's POV

I opened my eyes when I made sure that Aiden is far away from the room. An emotional guardian. It must have been a great reunion. Right. Now I can somehow understand.

The moonstone. Lucy with the appearance of a previous guardian. Aiden becoming a guardian. My existence. This is all part of a grand scheme. They all tried to bend what fate has designed. They all run after their lives. What a blasphemy. It is funny I could almost feel something.All of them, their selfishness is my madness. And the one who sees all of this, I am sure this is not something, someone can sit out. And I, I should not only stand watching anymore.

I turned to the wall, to the side of the other room.

I will break the grand scheme, I will destroy all of them. Because I, too, loved her.


(I don't know if this is interesting for you, but for me, I am excited. \\(^o^)//)

REJECTION PART 2: THE CURSED ONESWhere stories live. Discover now