Unending Smiles😁

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Three Days Until The Wedding

***Baxter Building, Reed's Lab***

Reed Richards, leader of the Fantastic Four, was currently working on a project when HERBIE, the building's AI called out to him

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Reed Richards, leader of the Fantastic Four, was currently working on a project when HERBIE, the building's AI called out to him.

"Mr. Richards, Mrs. Richards is on her way down." As soon as he said this, the elevator doors lit up, showing it was being used.

Seeing this, Reed felt something coming.

The elevator soon came down and the doors opened to reveal a beautiful woman with blonde hair reaching just past her shoulders.

"Hey, sweetheart," he greeted her.

She smiled at his greeting and walked up to him, kissing his cheek. "Hey, hun. Came to fetch you for lunch."

"Right on time. As usual."

Susan, feeling bold, did a light pose and smiled even bigger. She only held it a moment before laughing and earning a laugh from Reed as well.

He set down his tools, looped his arms around his wife's waist, and the two headed for the lifter.

"How goes the science work?" Susan asked just as they stepped on.

"Pretty good," Reed replied, "Just spitballing ideas. I'm thinking about making the Fantasti-Car detachable. Like in case we get hit really bad and one of us breaks off? Well, then that one would be able to fly they're own unit. Like a personal jet! What do you think?"

Thinking it over, Susan nodded, genuinely intrigued by the idea. "I like it! Sounds like it'll definitely come in handy!"


"Hey Reed, have you noticed Johnny acting a little...different, lately?"

"You mean more than usual?" Reed asked, partially joking.

"Exactly," Susan agreed, to his surprise.

The smart man thought about it and began to rehash the past few days. As he did, it slowly started to set in.

"Huh. Now that you mention it, he does seem a bit more giddy the past few days."

"I noticed that too!"

The lifter made it to the desired floor and the two walked out as the doors opened.

But as soon as they did, something flew -- literally, flew -- right past them, and it was one fire.

Johnny. They already knew. But then, the floor began to shake. That was when they saw a stampeding orange rock humanoid running after the flying fireball.

"C'MERE, YA LITTLE PUNK!" It roared.

Ben Grimm, aka The Thing. Best friend of Reed, uncle to his and Susan's children, and basically Johnny's big brother--who liked to pummel him if he got too nuts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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