Flame of Passion

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A legendary spirit by the name of Cotton had mastered the legendary ways of Rizzkutsuki. Now 200 years later his ancient ahh descendant Patrick Von Cotton Pitler De Yeager Kenpachi Cruz now holds the powers of the first legendary Rizz master. How will he use his newfound ability to Rizz up anything or anyone??

A world where everything is ruled by rizz..


Patrick Von Cotton Pitler De Yeager Kenpachi(not writing allat so his name is now Jay.) is headed to school. "I got zero rizz no bitches want me💀"Jay-kun said. "Every day all these waifus always run away from me" "If only I was a overpowered mc like gok-Aah! Jay-kun fell to the ground. "Hey watch where your going! Jay kun shouted. I-Im sorry! She said. Woahh..Jay-kun stared at who he bumped into. This is just like one of those 2007 basic animes where the mc bumps into the random ahh female mc. Jay-kun thought. She stood up. This is my chance! Jay-kun thought. A flower like you should be careful..this is a world full of tuff men. Jay-kun said. She gave Jay-kun a disgusted look before turning around. Jay-kun collapsed. WHY DO I HAVE NO RIZZ!!!!! THIS ISNT FAIR!!! IF ONLY I HAD THE ABILITES OF A RIZZ MASTER.!!!! Jay kun...A voice echoed. Jay-kun raised his head. What is this mysterious oh so convient voice now showing up in my 17 years of living. You are a decsendant of the very first Rizzkutsuki clan. Harness the first legends spirit Cotton and use his rizz abilites to defeat evil and rizz bitches. Jay stood up. COME INSIDE ME-Wait I mean..I ACCEPT YOU COTTON LEGENDARY RIZZKUTSUKI MASTERRRRRRRR! A loud flash occured and when Jay-kun opened his eyes he felt something had changed. Can you hear me? Jay-kun jumped. Jeez oh willy do not ever scare the jinkies out of me again!! Jay-kun yelled. I see why your bitchless I cant believe the rizzkutsuki clan has fallen this far. Cotton-sama said. I will instruct you on how to use your newfound rizz powers. Cotton-sama said. You remeber the girl you fumbled the bag with earlier?Cotton-sama asked. Yeah she looked at me like I was shit. Jay-kun said. Go touch her. Cotton sama said. N-N-N-N-NANIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII?????? I'll get arrested for that itll be sexual rizzasult! Jay kun yelled. Dont worry Jay kun Ill use my Rizzkutuski abilites and help you. Cotton-sama said. Ok but I better not end up getting arrested for this again. Jay kun said. ....Again? Cotton sama asked Jay kun walked up to her. Try using the standard anime "oi" .Cotton sama said. "OI!! Jay shouted. She turned around. Do you..need something? She asked. Alright now touch her! Cotton sama shouted. Dont blame me for this blame the ancient old ahh spirit I recently gained out of nowhere!! Jay reached and touched her shoulder. Jay slowly opened his eyes. Did it..work? Cotton sama laughed. Of course it did your using First Form Breathing Technique:"Does it squirt??". Cotton sama said. Shes now under your control so try asking her a question. Jay inhaled. Whats your name. Jay kun asked. She put her hands together.. Its amy although my friends call me...Videl. Thats a pretty name for a girl! Jay kun said smiling. I'm not a girl.."She" said. IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL...A LEGENDARY FEMBOY????? Jay kun shouted. Amazing..although hes only 17 he managed to get a femboy to reveal himself..Cotton sama thought. What do I do now he's just standing in  a trance? Jay kun asked. You need to complete the rizz contact so you two will now be binded together. Cotton sama said. How? Jay kun asked. Touch his thigh. Cotton sama said. N-Nani???!!! Jay kun shouted. Make him go into heat and then the contract his complete. cotton sama said. Jay kun gulped. Jay kun slid his hand down Videls thigh as Videl let out a whimper. The contract is now complete. Cotton sama said. Videl snapped out of the trance and held Jay kuns arm. Where are we going today Master~ He asked. E-EHHHHH MASTERR????? Would you stop doing that 1998 romcom scream please. Cotton sama asked. Anyway I have to head to school! Jay kun shouted.

20 min later..
Whew I was almost late! Jay kun said panting. Are you tired master?! Videl shouted. If you need to lay down..my thighs are always available..Videl shyly said. Theres no time I have to get to class before this bell rings at the last second when I enter!!!!! Jay kun said running into the building. OH MAN MY LIFE IS SO MUCH BETTER NOW I HOPE NOTHING HAPPENS- Stop moving Jay kun!! Cotton sama warned. Jay kun stopped along with Videl. Whats wrong?Jay kun asked. I can sense one nearby..a descendant of another legendary rizz clan!!! Cotton sama said. W-What!? I thought they all died! Jay kun said. Of course not dumbass do you not know how descendants work?? Cotton sama asked. Anyway hes hiding his prescense! Cotton sama said. SHOW YOURSELF!!! Jay kun shouted. Oh..? You noticed my prescene even after it was hidden? A man wearing a suit emerged from the shadows. What rizz clan are you from? He asked. Dont answer him! Other rizz masters steal anothers rizz so they become more powerful!! Cotton sama said. Jay kun  stepped back. I need to run-! Why do you step back as if I couldnt reach you..in a second. He said appearing in front of Jay and touching his chest. Hold on Eternity. Another voice said. Dont kill him yet. Eternity bowed. Your majesty what are you doing here!? I felt a peculair energy this way..it seems to be coming from him. He teleported behind Jay. Careful hes strong! Cotton sama said. Are you truly a rizz master..He said.

I'm part of the infamous Tooch clan. Lets test your abilites..
"Rizzkai..Rizzgetsu No Adamachi!!

Chapter 2 soon.

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