Flaming Heart

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Duck Master!! Videl pushed Jay kuns head down as black flames seared the top of Jay kuns head. Gee oh golly! If that hit I would've had a few bad apples! Jay kun said. I should let you die at this point. Cotton sama said. Jay kun backed up with Videl. To command your servant to help you in that split second you must be an experienced Rizz Master. Tooch said sheathing his sword. Where the fuck did the sword come from. Jay kun said. Nonetheless were done here today I've seen all I need. Tooch said walking away. Lets go Eternity. Tooch said. Yes sir. Eternity responded following. Oh my~ What do we have here? A voice said. Jay kun looked up the staircase as Tooch turned around. You bastard!! What are you doing here!? Tooch shouted. Is that any way to talk to your friend~? They walked down the staricase slowly. Besides you two are the ones causing such commotion this is a school you know~ They chuckled. 
Is this the boy you were testing? They walked up to Jay kun. Jay kun stepped back. Don't move. They said. Jay kun froze. They extended their hand. Sorry Jay kun let me take over real quick. Cotton sama said. Get away from them! Tooch shouted. This has nothing to do with you! Videl reached out to stop them. Lock. They said. Videl fell over. What is that monster doing here-! Eternity! Tooch shouted. Eternity held out his hand. Forgive me for this. Rizzezan! Chains wrapped around them. Ara Ara~ Your resorting to brute force Tooch~? They said. Did you forget which one of us is ranked number 20..and which one of us is ranked in the top 5. Come to me~ They said. Niko. The chains snapped. They came out of the shadows. They had a mask on as they turned towars Toochs direction. Absolute Control. He said. Tooch and Eternity both slammed into the ground. Oh come on now, you don't think you can beat top ranking rizz masters like us now right~ They said walking over and staring down on Tooch. And you attacked us so that warrants punishement as per the rules~ Perhaps I should take an arm~ They said smiling. Niko lifted up Tooch. They placed their hand on Toochs arm. Kowa- Ahhh man. Jay kun said. They turned around. Did the lock wear off? Well no matter! They extended their hand. Lock- Can you not use that annoying ass move cunt. Jay kun walked over to Videl. As expected of a femboy "shes" only unconcious. Jay kun stood up. You seem quite different~ They said. Why aren't my rizz techniques working~? They asked. Look I've been dead for over 200 years but Im definetly not dumb enough to reveal my secrets to an enemy but I do know that the textures of humanity have stayed the same. Jay kun said. And what do you mean by that~? They said. I mean as in earlier you mentioned something about ranks right that probably means this school has a heirachy system and your #5 and a crucial part of the school. Other students are flocking here due to the noise and itd look bad for some random person to be attacked by one of the top 5 members in the school. Jay kun said. Oh my~ Aren't you a smart one? They said. Lets go Niko. I'll keep my eye on you~They said. Oh and..if you want to find me, the names Fenix. She said slyly walking away. Tooch and Eternity stood up after Niko took off his control. Alright Jay kun..You can have your body back. Cotton sama said.  Tooch started telling the other students to get to their classes. I WANT A DOMMY MOMMY TO GIVE ME A FOOTJO-huh? Jay kun looked around. What happened? He asked. I should stop your heart. Cotton sama said. Where'd the prince charming(tooch) the guard dog(eternity) the mommy milkers(fenix) and..I feel like there was someone else. Jay kun said. There wasn't. Now take Videl to the bathroom and wake "her" up. Cotton sama said. Jay kun bent down and lifted "her" up. "Shes" light..He thought. Jay kun set "her" in a stall. An unconcious femboy is in front of me..Key*ru and Grif*ith would be sad. Jay kun sighed. Master~ Videl said quietly. Oh cotton sama "shes awake. "Shes" in reward phase. Cotton sama said. Videl started breathing heavily. Whats a reward phase oh good master cotton sama? Jay kun asked. This is why you have no father no mother no love no life no siblings no bitches and no friends. Cotton sama said. But after using your servant for a rizz fight they require a reward the bigger the task the bigger the reward you must give. Cotton sama said. Videl got up and silently closed the stall. Master~ "She pushed Jay kun on the toilet. "Her" face was red. I want you to give me the best time of my life. I'm out. Cotton sama said. I AM A PURE SPECIMEN!! Jay kun shouted. "She" pulled down Jay kuns pants. That massive meat..Videl started drooling. COTTON!!! COTTONNNN! Jay kun shouted. WHAT NIGG-oh. Cotton sama said. You have to let her do the reward. If you don't...Videl dies. Cotton sama said. I WANT A WAIFU FOR MY FIRST NOT A FEMBOY!! Jay kun shouted trying to pull up his pants. Welll you could alwaysss become a Rizzmaster and you know..learn to control the severity of the roles. Cotton sama said. I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT PEOPLE EVER DAY I JUST WANT A FOOTJOB FROM A GOTH MOMMY UNDER THE TABLE AT APPLEBEES! Jay kun said frantically. Then your screwed. Cotton said. I can see the pubic hair..Videl said drooling more. OK FINE I'll DO IT! Jay kun yelled. Switch. Jay kun(Cotton sama) said. Jay kun put his hand on the side of videls neck. Nothing personal kid blame that Jay fuck for being a pussy. Reverse. Jay kun(cotton sama) said.
Jay kun(cotton sama) set "her" on the toilet. "She should be fine. Now..where to become a Rizzmaster at..

        Office of the Rizzmasters..

You got into a fight with #20 again Fenix? Someone said. Oh it was just a little fun besides there was someone even more intresting. Fenix said. I don't know what happened but everytime I tried to use a rizz technique on him they never worked. Thats impossible Fenix you must be imagining things. Another one said. Besides picking a fight with a lower rank and a random student is bad looks. They said. Your such a worrywart besides nothing too bad happened. Thats enough speaking. A man stood up. Is #2 here? He asked. Of course not he always gets to skip. Fenix sighed. Very well we'll proceed without him..

                                                                                                                    School Hallways..
Here take your body back! Cotton sama said. You never told me you could possess me. Jay kun said. Jee willy that scares the bajoinks out of me. Jay kun said. Kys honestly today. Cotton sama said. Hey you. Jay kun turned around. Do you know where the office of..whats the name? They asked. Sorry I don't know much about here haha..Jay kun responded. Hm..Are you new here? They asked. Well no matter. They turned to leave. He looks so tired. Cotton sama thought. Wait. Jay kun said. do you know where the rizzmaster sign ups are? Jay kun asked. Rizzmaster signups? I forgot. He said. You forget everything it looks like. cotton sama said. Hm here. He said reaching in his pocket. Its my card. He said. Students here have cards? Jay kun asked. Everyone has to. He said. Maybe mine will be gold plated like yours. Your such trash you won't recieve one. Cotton sama said. Ok well I'm leaving. He said. Although he had massive eye bags I think I made a friend. Jay kun said. I feel bad for him then. Cotton sama said. Still thats a werid name...Jay kun said. What was it anyway? Cotton sama asked. It was something Zxcsir or Zsxhit..oh it was Zxhiryt!

The office door opened. The number 2 is here! Everyone stood up and bowed. Ahh it looks like I'm late again #1. Doon't worry about it..did anything interesting happen..

#2 Zxhiryt Possesor of The Dummies Rizzmaster spirit

Nothing..nothing at all..


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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