part 2

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After dimple got jealous, he also wanted to get involved, he went to ritsu and mob house and ask for tips because hes sad like that. since mob knows nothing about romance, ritsu came to help because many girls at school confessed to him but he told them to all pissoff.

"first you need to look good dimple." Ritsu said without considering dimple's feelings.
"s-so are you saying am ugly..?" dimple sighs,

"what do dimple your pretty the way you are!!" mob tries to cheer him up.
teruki apears out of no where and screamed at dimple"DUDE UR SO UGLY LOLLL, let me give you a make over. they put dimple in a bright pink dress and blue eyeshadow.

dimple thanks teruki and walk away .
meanwhile with shigeo house, "uhmmm why did you put poop perfume on him?" asked ritsu.
"thats kinda weird teruki..." said mob.

"its okay guys, a fart cloud need to be stinky for it to stand out!!" teruki exclaimed out loud.

Dimgenzawa fanfic (Dimple x reigan x serizawaWhere stories live. Discover now