part 8

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at the wedding..

"ok guys, are you ready?" Tomoe says as she was the priest.
"oh-ho am soo ready" says reigan.
mob, shou, ritsu, Tsubomi, teruki were watching them getting married.

"does anyone object? if so not , the bride and groom may kiss"
as no one was objecting them, reigan pulled seri to him and says "lets kiss babygirl"
shou was trying not to laugh at them because of gay people. ritsu shut his mouth and kick his balls so that he couldnt crash the wedding. tomoe watches them from far. seri and reigan traded rings and then they are about to kiss. suddenly BOOM!  a loud thud. it was dimple crashing the wedding.
"I OBJECT!" dimple was mad.

seri started crying which made reigan really mad at dimple for making his boo boo pookie bear cries.
tsubomi was kinda upset because some random fart cloud objected them. shou actually bursted in laughter as ritsu knocks him out again by grabbing his balls and fling him away. mob went up to dimple and says "dimple pls go away"

dimple cried and slaps reigan across the face. tomoe is just in the back comforting her gf tsubomi

mob and ritsu told seri to stop crying and mob end up helping reigan.

"boss lets do this." mob says as reigan aggrees

mob usesz his psychic powers to excorcist dimple and erase him from existence.
shou apologies for being mean and begged to watch the wedding. they do the whole introduction again, trading rings and lastly the kiss. it was DEEP

teruki screamed "OH MY GOD GAYSS😍💅💅💅 yall r so real for that!!"

dimple was sent to planet jupiter and cant find his way home. the end

Dimgenzawa fanfic (Dimple x reigan x serizawaWhere stories live. Discover now