Lost Excerpts and Notes of "Eenie Meenie Minie Mo"

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As this is still a part of MY book, "Eenie Meenie Minie Mo", copyright still holds--if you steal it, I will be very sad and VERY angry; you do not want to make me angry! Hulk mode activation can get very.....unpleasant.

That being said, these are just some early notes and excerpts from "Eenie Meenie Minie Mo" that did not make it into the actual book. I thought that I'd share them with y'all! Eventually, I might add some "Missed Me" excerpts O.o We'll see! I have a few notes before every excerpt, but I'm sure everyone who's read the story can keep up. If you haven't read "Eenie Meenie", these excerpts contain spoilers, so beware! Also, I am aware of the grammatical errors; excerpts are fun like that, you don't hafta care! So don't bother informing me of all my mistakes, lol.

Some of the excerpts that actually made it into "Eenie Meenie", I'm not going to upload for obvious reasons. Other excerpts are a sentence long, so they'll be a tag to longer excerpts.

Have fun! And thanks for reading my story!


Lost Excerpts and Notes of "Eenie Meenie Minie Mo"Where stories live. Discover now