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"Do not take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive. Elbert Hubbard"

Lilith looked around her, eyes filled with terror at chaos spreading around her. Not later than this morning she was merrily picking up herbs with her mother in the plains enjoying the feeling of the gentle breeze blowing away their long raven black hair which became later that evening the wind fanning the flames that were destroying her village. Her blue eyes mirrored the anger of the flammes as they ate the bakery of Mr. Jabami, a man from the east, ravaging the beautiful building, tearing the porch into bits of ashes.

"-lith! Lilith!" Her head swiveled to the side where she heard her mother's voice. "I need your help Lilith!"

But Lilith couldn't move her eyes from the horror unfolding before her eyes. A man ran all around, totally on fire, shouting at the top of his lungs, spreading the smell of burnt flesh. Some men where busy trying to put out the flammes while others where taking people out of the burning buildings.

Dead or alive.

"Snap out of it Lilith!" She heard her mother utter before pulling her into her embrace. "Look at me Lilith"

"Everything was peaceful this morning mother... People..." She sobbed.

"You are right, that is why we have to help" She pulled Lilith closer and whispered into her ear. "You have to use your magic" She said and Lilith shook her head.

"You told me never to again!"

"Aye, but this time you have to or they will all die"

"What if I kill people like the last..."

"You never killed anyone Lilith!" Her mother cupped her cheeks. "Everything will be alright. I promise" She nodded despite her mother's hold on her cheeks.

Her mother grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the village which was on fire and across the fields towards their little cottage which was fortunately not affected by the fire in any way. Their dresses swished with their every steps and Lilith almost tripped a few times. They stormed into the small living room. Her mother pushed the damaged brown couch aside and knelt on the floor, pulling out a plank and amidst the solives was an old book.

"Come closer. I kept this for your eighteenth birthday but seems like we need it now" She smiled at Lilith trying to reassure her with a gentle smile and removed the necklace around Lilith's neck.

Suddenly, a surge of magic emerged from her little body. Her skin tone looked healthier and traces of blemishes were gone. Her blue eyes shone like thousands of little stars in a light blue sky, her heartbeat slowed down and her black hair looked a thousand times healthier. She was beautiful beyond measure despite her young age. She looked like a goddess.

"Here. I want you to close your eyes" Lilith did as told and shut her eyelids. "I want you to imagine big rainy clouds above the village. I want you then to imagine droplets of water falling from them and extinguishing the flames. Once done, nod your head"

Lilith shut her eyes harder, imagining it with all her might the clouds, the droplets, the fire put out and nodded at her mother with her eyes closed.

"Ish cur..." Her mother read from the book.

"Ish cur..." Lilith repeated diligently.

"...sam alif..." Her mother uttered again.

"...sam alif..." Lilith started feeling very dizzy mainly because it was the first time she was casting such a spell.

"...radanim fidok shir..." He mother flinched when she noticed her daughter's nosebleed

"...radanim fid-ok shir..." Her breathing was becoming difficult all while her mother mentally encouraged her.

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