Chapter Three

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It's figure something the students definitely didn't need to see..

The figure that Remus thought my boggart would be in third year..

The figure of Voldemort...
~Flashback end~

PoV: Harry James Potter

A soft sigh escaped my lips as I stares at the food and then at my empty plate infront of me.
I really should eat or I would have to go back to Madam Pomfrey and that was a very bad idea, unless, of course, if I wanted the whole school to know about my eating habits.
I was so utterly lost in my mind that I didn't realise the people sitting down next to me until a very shrill voice ripped me out of my thoughts, paired with the voices owner grabbing my arm tightly I didn't need to look up to know that it was Ginny Weasley.
Really does this girl not understand the meaning of the word no?!

"Hey Harry~ Why didn't you come over to me instead of Loony..?"
Merlin if her voice goes any higher I'd need to learn to turn into a dog just to hear her talk.

"Because this is my house table and LUNA is my friend. I could ask as well why you decided to sit here instead of at your table.."
Caused by my bad mood and the situation at hand I didn't even try to hide my annoyance this time.
Bad idea.
I could feel Ginervas badly painted nails dig into my arm, sure to leave marks should she keep holding my arm like that.

"Well obviously because you are my boyfriend and I thought it would be the right thing to do. Don't you think as my boyfriend that you should stay with me and not some.. Loony?!"
Her tone was almost shocked, clearly not seeing anything wrong in her bad behaviour.

"How often do I have to tell you that I meant what I said. I broke up with you because you cheated and I will not just come crawling back because you wish that I'd do.. And I said she is my friend so stop being mean to her. I have the power to take away points from you and give you detention."
She was clearly very unhappy with my words as her grip on my arm got strong enough to get me to flinch softly.
Her face portrayed hurt but her eyes held nothing but egoistical anger.

"Now now. I told you that I don't accept that break up. After all it was your fault for not giving me enough attention.. Now come on. We're going back to the correct table."
Her tone was stern and didn't leave room for disagreement. She didn't ask, she demanded.
I didn't know what to do and forgot to react as I was too busy worrying and hoping that nobody saw me flinch.
Even as she stood up and tried to get me to follow by pulling on my arm I didn't realize what was happening until I felt her hands disappear suddenly.
The grateful sigh that left my lips was followed by my tense shoulders relaxing.
However this didn't last long as I heard Ginerva whining and swearing at whoever protected me from her grasp.
Rubbing my arm where her nails dug into my flesh I spun around in my chair just to see Malfoy glaring at her with a face of cold anger, his arms crossed infront of his chest and his lips pulled down into a frown while Ginerva cursed at him.

"How dare you interrupt us?! You have no right to even look at me you disgusting filth!"
I watched as she spat more and more things like that in his face, him just standing there as if her words meant nothing.
As she took a break to take a deep breath he finally answered her angry words, his tone matching the cold facade hiding the anger that was bubbling in his eyes.

"Are you done bitching yet? Good. This is my house table and neither I nor any of my housemates want you sitting here. Also, I knew you were terrible but are you also deaf or do you play dumb on purpose? Potter sent you away so piss off. Now I would like to eat without being disgraced with your presence so you better go back to your table before I have to call a teacher and say that you were harrassing my housemates."
The mean smirk that spread on his lips only contributed in making Ginerva even angrier, but she managed to keep herself together. Probably to keep up her good image though and not actually because she cared about what Malfoy said.
Spitting a last angry and mean comment she dragged her brother along and they went back to their table, the poor Hermione being dragged along by Ronald.

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