Chapter Five

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~As soon as we reached the common rooms I opened the doors for everybody and a huge scowl covered my face as I realised something very important.
It might have been a useless detail but for me it seemed important like nothing else.
Granger could only come in with us because I opened the door for her..

So how the fuck did the two redheads and her get in earlier..?~

PoV: Harry James Potter

I couldn't get over the fact that Malfoy and Zabini were more worried about my well being than Ron and Ginny..
The one that pretends she loves me and the one that I once called my best friend..
And the ones I once thought to be enemies took care and worried about me..

I guess the war did change a lot..
In the better or worse I would still need to find out..
Also.. Ginny called Hermione a mudblood.. Did she really stoop so low that she didn't know what else to do..?

"How about we all go to Harry and Dracos room..? There is a lot of people running around here."
My eyes focused on Luna and I nodded.

"Yeah sounds good.."
So that is what we did.
Hermione, like the angel she is, put a spell on the door so nobody besides our little group could enter the room while we were inside.
Due to the time we spent in hiding I also recognized the silencing and concealing charm she put up, an involuntary chuckle leaving my mouth.

"Good one Mione.." I mumbled, earning a giggle from her as an answer.

"What do you mean..?"
Zabinis confused voice rang out as he sat down on Malfoys bed, directly next to Malfoy himself.

"Well just the spell she used is the same we used to hide right under the snatchers noses."

"Don't remind me.. I still have that perfume he smelled."
This time I couldn't stop the smirk that graced my lips as I sat on my bed, Luna and Mione on the chairs they grabbed from our desks.

"Yeah. Got us almost caught. Really thought of everything and then we almost get caught because of that stupid perfume."

"Well I didn't think we would be close enough to them that they could smell it!"

"Ok while this interaction is truly entertaining I think we need to talk about something more serious.. Don't you think..?"
A sigh escaped my lips at Zabinis words but I knew he was right.

"Fine.. go on.. ask.."
I mumbled.

"Why was that Weaslette-.. uh.. Weasley girl.. so insistent that you would be 'her boyfriend whether he likes it or not'? Seems kind of.. well.. harrassing."
My stomach turned at Malfoys words.

"She cheated on me so I broke up with her. I was losing my romantic interest in her anyways but as she started behaving terribly I knew I would never like her again. Seriously I'm so surprised that I let her trick me.. I don't even like girls.."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes while talking.
"She didn't want to accept it though so it became a regular thing that she tried to get back together.. Honestly I think she only wanted to be with me because of my name.. It was never this bad though.. I am more disappointed and angry than hurt.. I trusted the two of them with so many personal things.. Not everything obviously.. Ron has the emotional capacity of a tea spoon as Mione put it so lovingly and Ginny is a manipulative beast.."
Another sigh escaped my lips and I let myself fall backwards so I was laying down on my bed and staring at the ceiling.
"As I believe I said a few times I lived with a muggle family because Dumbledore said that I 'needed to be with blood relatives to be save'..  A bunch of bullshit if you ask me.."

"They hurt you.. didn't they..?"
I flinched and sat upright in a motion so fast my head spun.

"What.. How-.."

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