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Everyone was running.


Everyone was panicking, some even met with a terrible fate in the spur of the moment. Some were oblivious to the warning signs clearly implanted near the water, for safety measures so they say. "And to help ensure this experience was extra fun," that voice crackled again. "we decided to play some friendly music." And with the click of a button some kind of tropical-y music started to roam throughout the theater. Man, the guy had a weird taste in music, but you had to hand it too him. It was pretty catchy.

You snapped back from your mind when you felt a cold grab on your arm. "Wha-!"- You were suddenly projected across the lake-like thing-y, you looked down and saw your fearful bearing features, everything was different. Before you hit the ground you covered your face up so you wouldn't face plant into the cold colorful ground, but before you had time to scream everything stopped, instead of a cold wind gust against you, you felt soft plush fabrics brushing against your skin, you looked to see someone with a- wait is that a god damn Santa mask.

"You okay miss?" The voice was muffled, but you made it out to be a male for sure. "Oh yea, I'm fine. Except for the fact someone unexpectedly threw me across a river!" You exclaimed. You just wanted to scream. Everything was a wreck. "Oh, yea, uh," he cleared his throat before going on any further, "sorry miss." He apologized sheepishly, tugging at his collar. Before you could say anything else the static noise came back on and- oh god Hatty is.. pissed?

"Hey lovebirds! Stop flirting or I'll have to do something about it! This is a maze, not some cheesy romcon!" He teased. You felt blush creep up your face as you continuously stared at him. God you loved his sharp teeth and beady red eyes. You just wanted to grab his face an- what no, he's not your main objective, you have to focus on more serious matters! Getting through the maze.

As the man finally set you down you brushed yourself off. "Thanks.. I guess." You faked a laugh and waved him off as you set to venture through the maze.

What seemed like forever, you finally managed to climb, jump, and get through almost every crook and nanny before finally discovering every gem. You sighed as you leaned up against a wall, you were tired and just wanted to go home. You wondered why Hatty was acting this way, it was something about that stupid hat, it was glow-y, and red.. I mean, it's like in the movies, reds never a good thing right? You sighed as your endless train of thoughts wouldn't stop, you wondered if your were ever gonna be able to leave. What would life be like if we brought back Hatty?

While you were rambling on in your thoughts, you were too careless to notice a suited figure behind you. You rambled on in your head but it all suddenly retired off away when you noticed a hand in front of you. When you looked to see who's hand it belonged too you turned hot in your cheeks.

It was Hatty.

"I didn't like how you were hanging out with that guy~" he clicked his tongue. "Besides, when I said I owned everyone, I especially meant you love~"

W-Was he joking? You were an independent woman, you didn't need some block headed loser pushing you around. He moved his hand to your cheek to move a strand of hair in your mouth, "It would be a shame if you were to die yet." He snickered before turning away. "Anywho, I must be off to my beloved riches. Tata~" he waved before sashaying away.


Okay I tried to put A/N in atleast 3 times because Wattpad won't allow me but, for those of you who are confused about the sharp teeth part, its part of another AU which this takes place in, the design of the red eyes and teeth belong too Ask-corrupted-hatty on Tumblr! Kudos to them man!

Entropy (Hatty Hattington X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now