Chapter One: Lupa Has Appeared

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As the city has started to come to life by the rising sun, the birds started singing their morning songs as the sun had started to come to view. As the sun had started to rise from the golden and blue-streaked sky, the people of the massive town had started to awakening and getting ready to start their day. The adults had started heading towards nearby cafés or started heading towards work. The teenagers had started working their morning jobs or meeting up with each other in their favorite hangout spots and challenge each other to beybattles. While the kids had started helping their parents, playing with the older kids, or watching the beybattles excitedly.
But walking into the city was a sixteen year old girl named Sasha Wildheart with a brown backpack strapped onto her back and an air of mystery. She's a tall and slim girl with fair skin and long, wavy blonde hair that reaches her shoulders. Her dark blue eyes that sparkled with calm passion and a determined fire, but she has a scar marked over her right eyebrow. She's wearing a short-sleeved blue v-neck t-shirt. She has a pair of brown fingerless gloves on her hands and has a necklace with the pendant of a wolf tooth. Her blue pants has a brown belt around her waist, which has a pouch for her beyblade and her launcher. She also wears white socks with white cuffs and white shoes with blue soles and toe caps.
She looked around warily and continued walking by herself. Sasha stopped in front of a TV store and turned to look at it with open curiosity. She ignored the announcer's voice, when her attention was caught by two boys facing off.
On the left side of the stadium was a sixteen year old boy named Yu Tendo. He has pale skin and peridot green eyes that are shining with excited joy. He has fluffy orange hair that spikes over the top and back of his head and as bangs over his forehead. He's wearing a white jacket paired white shorts that stop at his knees with sky blue sleeve ends and lapels with brown buttons and lime green markings like his beyblade. He also wears white mid-calf length, boot-like shoes with sky-blue highlights.
But on the right side of the stadium was a boy around Sasha's age and named Tsubasa Otori. He has long silver-grey hair which is tied into a low ponytail by using a clip with bangs that hang over his eyes. His eyes are a warm golden-brown that glimmered with excitement and calmness at the same time. He's wearing a sleeveless brown shirt with a lavender trim around the shoulders that shows part of his midriff. He also wears a pair of white loose-fitting trousers with a pair of brown boots. Tsubasa also wears a pair of brown fingerless gloves which go up to his wrists. He has a green Bey storage box kept on his right forearm.
As Sasha continued watching their battle curiously, she noticed that Tsubasa's beyblade had started sparkling and changing somehow in the stadium and kicked Libra out of the stadium.
How's that possible? wondered Sasha and tilted her head curiously. New features probably made the new powers. That's probably it.
She shrugged and was about to take off when she heard a ruckus happening nearby. Sasha spun around gracefully to see a ten year old boy on the ground with his beyblade and a leather brown book, surrounded by a group of hostile cats. Sasha ran across the street and joined the young boy as she kept the cats away from them. She started pushing the boy closer to the wall.
"You don't have to do this!" exclaimed the boy.
"I will do this." Sasha turned to look at the boy in concern. The boy has brown spiky-hair with hair sticking up in a curve and hair at his downs coming on his cheeks. His blue eyes shimmered with intelligence and has glasses over his eyes. He's wearing a sky-blue blazer with dark blue highlights and white trim with a red tie, which has a star design in the middle, and a white shirt. He's wearing dark grey shorts with a belt, white socks and black shoes with with grey highlights. "I can handle it."
"Meow. Well, look what the cat dragged in." Sasha turned to look to see a tall young man with shoulder-length black hair, and dark green eyes. He's wearing a green phantom mask (which covers the right side of his face), a black-brimmed hat with a moody-black sash and a white feather, a flowing yellow cape with a moody-black trim, a light gray cravat, a black vest with moody-blue trim, moody-black gloves, white trousers, and black calf length boots with moody-black cuffs.
"Here we go again!" cried out Sasha angrily.
"Three!" Sasha lowered herself over the sidewalk and Cat Man lowered himself over the ground too. "Two!" Her eyes soon bright gold. "One! Let it rip!" Sasha released her bey into the stadium in a bright blue light and Cat Man released his bey in a red light.
Sasha watched as Lupa zoomed around the sidewalk with a bright blue light shining behind it. She smiled at the astonishing speed that Lupa is performing and the agility she's showing as Lupa zooming around. Sasha was startled to see golden sparks coming from behind Lupa after she had hit Leopard. She felt sweat coming down from her brow as if she was having a ten miled run, it felt as if she's one with Lupa and was zooming around in the stadium. But that's when Lupa and Leopard had collided into each other and started battling each other.
"Come on Lupa!" called Sasha, her bright blueish-yellow aura started to shine through.
"Snap through it!" Cat Man yelled to his bey.
Lupa slid across the stadium and began zooming around again. Lupa and Leopard had started to send a huge barrage of attacks towards each other.
"Keep going!" yelled Cat Man.
"You can do it Lupa!" Sasha shouted.
Both beys aren't giving up, Lupa and Leopard kept sending attack after attack. Sasha gritted her teeth in frustration as she felt the slight pain and vibrations of the attacks, but she's not ready to give up just yet. After a few more attacks, Lynx knocked Lupa into the wall and Lupa increased in both speed and attack power as Sasha's bey started hitting Leopard in a variety of speedy attacks.
"The only one who can use the depths of my power is you, Sasha." A strong, warm voice was soon heard echoing through the strange space, in which reminded Sasha of the sea. The voice is clearly a female and sounded human, but inhuman at the same time.
What was that? wondered Sasha in surprise, but she refocused on the battle quickly. "Keep going Lupa!" Sasha's eyes started glowing bright gold like a pair of golden suns. "Wolf Attack!" As Sasha summoned the avatar of Lupa, her blue aura rise behind her and became stronger still. A howl could be heard as the huge silvery-gray and blue-marked wolf with blue eyes ran through the blue aura.
"Now Lupa!" Sasha yelled as her bey zoomed towards Leopard in fierce speed and powering strength.
Everyone (except Sasha) gasped when Lupa had pushed through and Leopard has been sent flying into the sidewalk, making Cat Man and he gasped in shock when he was defeated by her and scattered away from the kids. The kids who were watching the match had started cheering for Sasha and Lupa, even as Sasha caught Lupa from the sidewalk.
"Good job Lupa," said Sasha and her eyes shone bright gold again, much like a wolf's eyes and her inner fire has begun to roar. Her blue aura soon revealed itself from behind her and the face of a massive silvery-gray wolf with blue eyes and barred fangs stood behind Sasha to intimidate the phantom thief and the cats. Her aura is radiating bright blue from behind Sasha and the boy looked at Sasha in amazement. She felt it burn strong and bright like a fierce wildfire, but the strength and power of it was barely touched by Sasha. Her fierce, golden-rimmed glare weighed down the Cat Man and scaring him out of his mind. "One more step or you're gone."
"I see that I'm at a heavy disadvantage," said Cat Man. "I'll take my leave now."
Sasha watched as the Cat Man gathered his beyblade and started bouncing away with his cats running behind him. She relaxed after he had disappeared and let a weary breath as her aura disappeared from behind her. Lupa gleamed up at the Blader and Sasha smiled at that before she turned to look at the boy behind her with a wary, but curious expression on her face.
"Are you okay kid?" Sasha asked the scientist boy.
"Y-Yes, I'm fine," said the boy. "Thank you for saving Miss..." He looked at Sasha in slight confusion.
"My name is Sasha." She helped the boy up and gave back his fallen beyblade into his hand. "And you are...?"
"I'm Yuki Mizusawa," said the boy.
"Nice meeting you." Sasha looked at the boy warily and stepped back from his intelligent stare as she put her beyblade away. "Be more careful in the future Yuki. I won't always be there to protect you." Sasha sighed and started walking away from the intelligent boy.
What Sasha didn't notice was that somebody else has been watching her walking away. He's a tall, young man with lavender hair, tanned skin, and secretive light blue eyes. He's wearing a plain white robe with a collar in an upper position with a black shirt underneath and black pants with a brown belt to which holds his launcher. He looked at Sasha and saw the combined blue aura between the Blader and Bey.
She had went to the riverbank and sat down with her back against the tree. Sasha took out her beyblade as she looked at it thoughtfully, That voice back there. Was that Lupa? That's when her beyblade started sparkling in a familiar silvery-blue light as it started to reflect into her eyes and her eyes widened at the sight. It was like entering an awakening dream of a sort. Surrounding her were soft colors of sapphire blue and emerald green with hints of silver. It felt so unreal and magical at the same time, Sasha was surrounded by some misty clouds came and a majestic creature was standing in front of her.
It is a wolf.
Her shaggy silvery-gray coat swirls with tufts of blue like a mixture of the sea, while her legs are long and strong, built for running. The wolf's eyes are warm bright blue, like a pair of small blue flames blazing through the mist. Sasha found it rather impressive that such a predator would look at her with so much respect and care. Behind these blue eyes seemed to hide more wisdom and intelligence than Sasha thought. The wolf's claws are sharp and curved like knives, while the wolf's fangs are gleaming white.
"I always have a soft spot when it came wolves," Sasha said. "I'm so glad to see you, Lupa."
Lupa smiled softly at Sasha and her blue eyes shone like a pair of blue pools of water as she said to Sasha, "I'm glad to see you too Sasha." Lupa looked at Sasha warmly. "But we can become stronger together."
"Stronger?" Sasha said, but she smiled up at Lupa. "Okay then, I'll make you promise. We'll become a strong team together."
"Good," whispered Lupa as reality has came back to Sasha with her sitting at the riverbank and Sasha smiled warmly at her beyblade.

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