Chapter Two: Going to Battle Island

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Sasha has been invited to go to Battle Island and battle other Bladers. She soon came to the front deck of the ship and looked at the horizon curiously when she heard some people nearby. She turned to look at the front deck with a curious smile when she saw the Legendary Bladers and their friends talking. But she sniffled her amusement when she saw that Masamune and King had started arguing like brothers and started listening in.
"—Call me when you get one Big Mouth!" King argued.
"Takes one to know one Big Mouth!" Masamune and King were shaking with their Blader's Spirits were about to be set aflame.
"What?!" exclaimed King with gritted teeth as the two boys faced each other and started shaking with their spirits on the rise.
As they continued bickering, Sasha chuckled softly at their friends' exaggeration. Some of them looked annoyed or amused, a couple facepalmed, or sweat-dropped at the duo's bickering. Though, Sasha felt somewhat amused by this and looked to see that they were arriving to Battle Island.
She unnoticeably shifted into her Second Sight and her eyes started glowing bright golden as she looked at the Legendary Bladers: Gingka's aura is bright sky-blue with hints of gold. Kyoya's aura is bright green. Chris' aura is deep magenta. Kenta's aura is bright yellow. Yuki's aura is indigo. King's aura is bright red. Aguma's aura is deep purple. Dynamis' aura is violet. Lastly, Tithi's aura is yellow.
Sasha shifted out of her Second Sight and she could see many auras from the other Bladers, but not as powerful as the Legendary Bladers and the rare Fire Bladers that she had came across. But she frowned at Gingka's right arm is in a sling and felt sympathetic towards him. Sasha wanted to battle him, but she always felt uncomfortable when battling injured rivals. He's probably going to watch in the crowd with Kyoya, Chris, and Kenta.
She shook her head and took out her beyblade with a warm smile. "Looks like we're finally here. Right, Lupa?" Her beyblade gleamed up at her and Sasha smiled at her partner.
Sasha walked out of the shadowed path that had a rocky archway over the entrance that leads to the clearing on top of the mountain. She looked down and looked at the lush island below her. The island marched all the way up to the water, which glittered about a mile in the distance. Between here and there, Sasha simply couldn't process everything she was seeing. The island was dotted with buildings that looked like ancient Roman architecture that probably has beystadiums, their marble columns gleaming in the faint firelight that reminded Sasha of fireflies in the depths of the forest.
Sasha soon had back towards the mountaintop and found a large, spacious area that looks like a beystadium with some seats that reminded her of the ones in the Bey Arenas surrounding the area from a distance. But there's a few Roman statues surrounding the beystadium in a fair distance. Sasha also saw another archway that comes from the light. She sat down in the shadow of the statue of the moon goddess, Lady Diana, and started polishing her beyblade with her white cleaning rag with a smile.
But in the next minutes, she heard a pair of running footsteps heading from the other archway.
"Awesome!" exclaimed an eager voice. "I'm the first one here!"
Sasha looked up to see a grinning Masamune on the other side of the beystadium after she was done polishing her partner and chuckled softly as she slipped her beyblade into her pocket.
"Not exactly." Sasha stepped out of the shadows and looked at Masamune in pure amusement.
"Hey, what's your name pal?" asked Masamune curiously. "I'll like to see who I am facing at least."
"Fair enough." She took her hood off her head and her blonde hair fell over her shoulders, while her blue eyes sparkled in the light and her scar over her right eyebrow gleamed boldly. "I'm Sasha Wildheart."
"The Battle Island Championship has come to this! Out of all the many, many participants, two Bladers have actually made it to the summit, at this, the final battle!" Japan DJ announced from an helicopter and Sasha flinched as the spotlights blindsided her slightly. "The first Blader, who got past all the checkpoints and made it to the peak first in with the strength of lightning and one of the members of Team Dungeon Gym is... Masamune Kadoya!" Masamune smirked confidently and determinedly in the spotlight. "And this is where things get interesting folks! His opponent is none other than... the elusive, mysterious Blader, Sasha Wildheart!" She uncovered her face from the lights and gave a small smile. "Sasha had been captured by Hades City and was freed by the Dragon Emperor. She soon gained a record of stellar performances in tournaments across the world. But she never participated in any world tournaments or team battles."
As the audience filled the steps to watch the battle, the two Bladers did a small talk with each other from across the beystadium. But in the shadow of the trail was Aguma and Bao, the red-haired teen was stunned to see Sasha talking to Masamune.
"No." Bao's voice was barely a whisper and his expression was anguished at the sight of her. "It can't be. How?" While Aguma was beyond shocked to say anything to Bao.
They both loaded their partners into their launchers. "You ready?" She and Masamune raised their launchers over the beystadium.
"Three!" Sasha's eyes shone bright gold. "Two!" Masamune's eyes gleamed with excitement. "One! Let it rip!" Sasha released her bey into the stadium in a blue light and Masamune released his bey in a green light.
Sasha watched as Lupa zoomed around the stadium with a bright blue light shining behind it. She smiled at the astonishing speed that Lupa is performing and the agility she's showing as Lupa bounced against the stadium. She felt sweat coming down from her brow as if she was having a ten miled run, it felt as if she's one with Lupa and was zooming around in the stadium.
But it wasn't long till Lupa made contact with Striker and sent him flying, which startled pretty much everyone and Sasha smirked at that.
Masamune winced slightly and said to himself, "What...what incredible power. What if... she's a Legendary Blader?" Masamune looked over at her. "Sasha! You could be one of them, a Legendary Blader. I'm sure of it!"
Sasha stared at him in confusion and said, "A Legendary Blader?" She tilted her head in curiosity and confusion. "What's that?" She looked back at her beyblade with a puzzled expression, but she looked back at her beyblade with a determined smile.
She waved her right arm in front of her as she called out to Lupa. Her bey stopped attacking Striker and came back to spin at the edge of the bey stadium in front of her. "But that doesn't mean I won't give it my all, Legendary Blader or not!" Sasha felt her bey spirit ignite deep inside of her and knew she was glowing along with her beyblade. "Go, Lupa! Attack Striker with all of your might!" A beautiful silvery wolf covered in white markings rose up from the bey and stood tall as it stared down Masamune with its blue eyes. "Special Move: Northern Lights Howl!" In a dazzling flash of colors, the Northern Lights appeared over the beystadium as the silver wolf howled to the sky.
"Don't give up Striker!" A fearless green and white lightning-marked unicorn with a yellow mane and tail rose up from the bey and charged towards Lupa. "Special Move: Flash of Lightning!" In a bright green light appeared over the beystadium as the unicorn reared and neighed into the night sky.
Lupa and Striker charged at each other with full speed and crashed it into the side of the stadium with a massive explosion that shook the entire arena. The green unicorn of Striker rose from its bey and neighed at Lupa, but it wasn't quick enough. Lupa hit Striker again and pinned the wolf to the side of the stadium with its hooves and electric horn.
Sasha felt something deep within her soul set on fire and felt its warmth spread throughout her body. She couldn't see it, but a bright blue aura started glowing brightly behind her. Masamune was giving her a run for her money and she wanted nothing more than to beat him.
She chuckled and said, "You, you think I can't take a little lightning?" Sasha smirked at Masamune. "Wolves are known to live in all sorts of climates. They can live in forests, arctic tundras, grasslands, and even deserts. So, a little flying doesn't scare me. Lupa!" She flashed a sly smile at Masamune and felt a little victorious when his own smile was wiped off his face. Lupa stopped running from Striker's attacks and stood its ground at the bottom of the stadium. Striker aimed another attack at Lupa and hit the wolf bey, but to no effect. Lupa took the hit and kept spinning, unfazed. If anything, it was absorbing each attack from Striker.
In the next moment, everything changed. Lupa started glowing brighter and brighter until a flash of blue light had occurred from the beystadium. The blue light shone up towards the night sky, causing the wolf constellation to be aligned. Sasha saw her bey transform right in front of her eyes and was stunned by the wolf constellation.
"Huh?" Sasha watched as it changed from a more average-looking beyblade into something that looked much more amazing and powerful. Her eyes shone bright gold and her hair glowed bright azure as her resonance soon revealed itself from behind her. Her aura are radiating bright blue from behind the girl. She felt it burn strong and bright like an wildfire, but the strength and power of it wasn't touched by the girl. "What's happening?" Masamune glanced at the girl across the beystadium with a smirk and looked at her beyblade that's still spinning in the beystadium in amazement. So, he was right about her and her beyblade after all. The star fragment did choose her too.
From what Sasha could see initially, her wolf beyblade transformed completely. The once-solid silver energy ring was now blue with thin silver streaks and the fusion wheel looked like it had three silvery-blue-golden layers. However, the facebolt still has a silvery howling wolf on it. But to Sasha, her beyblade looked beautiful.
"Now Lupa!" At her command, the wolf spirit of Lupa — who now has golden ornate armor — had pushed through, which sent Striker flying out of the beystadium. Lupa and Sasha had clearly won the battle.
"And the winner is Lupa and Sasha Wildheart is the winner!" announced the Japan DJ.
"Alright!" Sasha caught Lupa with a bright smile. "Good job out there Lupa." She gently rubbed the back of her neck. "Even though I have no idea what just happened. I'm glad it did." Lupa gleamed up at her and Sasha smiled at her partner, but she glanced at the crowd curiously.
She saw Team Dungeon Gym and Team Excalibur in the mix of the crowd. She had never met them before and only saw them on TV during the World Championships till now.
After Sasha had collected her medal and her partner, she took off into the forest when she was stopped by a short boy Blader with bright green hair and worried brown eyes, he's wearing a yellow shirt with a white line down the chest and a pair of blue shorts. He also wears blue and white trainers with white socks and brown fingerless gloves. But Sasha recognized him immediately; he's Kenta Yumiya, the Legendary Blader of Summer.
"Sasha!" She looked over at Kenta warily and looked over her shoulder at him. "My friend, Gingka is also a Legendary Blader like you. There are thirteen Legendary Bladers in total. One blader is in the hands of the enemy, the person who will control the Black Sun that'll try to destroy the world again: Nyx. The twelve others are the Bladers chosen by the star fragment, whose duty it is to all band together to stop Nyx's revival and save the world!" Kenta's eyes filled with desperation as he pleaded, "Sasha, as a Legendary Blader with a piece of the star fragment inside your bey, you must lend your power and help the Legendary Bladers save the world! I beg of you!"
Sasha bowed her head and closed her eyes thoughtfully. Sasha ran a hand over her scar and hair as she processed the information she just received. Thirteen Legendary Bladers, Nyx, a star fragment... it all sounded larger than life and too complicated to actually be true, but why would Kenta make all of this up? Even for a young kid, his imagination couldn't have come up with something this detailed. But even the Crazy Cat Guy called her a Legendary Blader earlier... and if he knew of this then it had to be true.
This star fragment, this power, chose her for a reason and entrusted her with a task and responsibility that was crucial. She was chosen to save the world. Who was she to go against the stars and the universe? Everything happened for a reason and she believed that if given an opportunity, she should use her strength and power to help others. Her choice was obvious: she would go and help his friends.
"I shall give you my aid," said Sasha with calm determination.
"Great!" Kenta exclaimed with a bright smile.
"But first, introduce me to your friends." Sasha's eyes shone bright gold and her blue aura surrounded her as she showed Kenta a piece of her and Lupa's power.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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