First Not Date Jitters

197 35 21

Short, but a look at cameron :) NOT EDITED

PS I've decided that I wont be updating until 3 comments and 3 votes, plus depending on the number of comments, I might pick on to dedicate the next chapter to? idk we shall see


Room 11 of the ever so cleverly named Violetwood Hotel was a disaster zone. Since the moment I rented the room last night at midnight until just now at 9:28 PM, I had ripped out my jars of paint and packs of charcoal. One of my three sketchbooks I had brought with me was nearly filled with different envisions and colours of a pretty little blond who idled in my brain like it was her home.

My hands worked frantically on the rough page I had taped to the wall in front of me, the black charcoal smudging messily beneath my calloused fingers. Occasionally my arm would fly a little too recklessly to the sides, smearing the medium on the burnt orange walls; I didn’t care too much for it though.

The goal in my head was to perfectly capture Audrey in a picture, and yet not detain the artwork itself. I wanted it to be reserved like her, but to also jump right of the page and grasp your heartstrings and hypnotize you.

The night would have kept on like this had the alarm on my phone not gone off. I had one hour until 10:30, the very time I had met the mysterious beauty at Darla’s last night.

Every part of me prayed she would be there again, and that yesterday wasn’t just a one time visit for her to the little coffee shop. I was acting like a crazed lunatic in my opinion, but this was the most inspired I had ever been. Call me selfish, but it was like a high, and I needed another fix of her.

Racing into the bathroom, I stripped and jumped into the small shower. My elbows slammed repeatedly into the tiled walls as I furiously scrubbed away at the paint blotches and dark carbon marks I had some how left on nearly ever inch of my skin.

How one                managed to leave stains under their shirt baffles me.

I wanted to look presentable, but not like I was trying too hard. It was probably the most thorough shower I’d had since my mother stops washing me when I was 5, but Audrey didn’t need to know that. There was a chance she wouldn’t even be there tonight. Heck, she might avoid the shop for the simple hope of avoiding a babbling fool named Cameron.

After splashing on some after shave, and yanking on my nice jeans, and grey t-shirt, I began the search for my worn leather jacket. It had to be around somewhere. I was acting like my fourteen year old sister last year on the day of her first date; although this time I was the anxious teen and not the overprotective big brother.

Spotting the jacket, I pulled it out from underneath a forgotten pillow on the floor. With half an hour still to go, I shoved my phone and keycard in my pocket and snatched up my car keys.

The drive between the quaint hotel and Darla’s was only a little over ten minutes, and as I parked my tuck in front, I nearly pulled out my Canon from the glove compartment just in case but then I recalled how much of a disappointment that turned out to be yesterday.

The vehicle groaned when I shut the door behind me, filling me with sympathy for my dying car. He’s had a long run, but the finish line was coming up soon.

“Fancy seeing you again” The Barista smiled knowingly, her eyes flickering to the empty corner table.

“I really enjoyed the coffee last time” I told her sheepishly, shoving my hands in my coat pockets and fiddling with my car keys.

“Oh I’m sure that’s it” Nora, according to her name tag, nodded in mock belief, “It would have nothing to do with Ms. LeNoir”

Approaching the counter and leaning a little on it, I parroted, “LeNoir?”

The name itself commanded so much power and authority that I stood up straighter.

“Heavens boy! You left a trail of drool behind her and you didn’t even know the girls last name?” She scolded, wagging a frail finger at me, “In my day you knew the girls full name long before you even entered the same room”

I would be an idiot to think she meant anyone but Audrey. Audrey LeNoir.

“Do you happen to know if she’ll be back tonight?” I asked desperately and urgently. I had long given up on trying to look suave and composed, because both Nora and I knew that she was my reason for being here.

“Turn around, hun” she winked.

Sure enough, as I spun on my heel, Audrey was halfway inside the store. A baby blue dress clung to her body, showing every curve that I tried not to eye hungrily. Sue me for being a guy. The silhouette would be so whimsical to sweep on a page with a brush.

She looked around briefly before landing her sights on me standing like a deer caught in headlights. I thought I would have moment to compose myself, if even for a second. This had to be considered an ambush by the fates.

“Cam” My name danced on her lips.

“Uh…I…Hi” I’m as smooth as the grand canyon.

“Back again?” She inquired, moving towards the corner table and smoothing her dress before she sat down.

“Y-ya, I love caffeine” Here comes the word vomit, “It’s a great way to stay energized and keep awake. I didn’t sleep much last night what with all the art going on, but really I couldn’t just sleep when I had so many ideas in my head. You must have slept well, since you’re basically glowing. Do you always glow? Is there a specific coffee you drink to glow like that? Maybe I just don’t drink the right stuff, I’ve never been much an adventurous coffee drinker bef-“

“Are you like this all the time?” This time she laughed freely with a small smile. God, I loved that laugh.

Without answering her question, in fear of another round of non permitted words, I pointed to the empty chair as to ask permission to sit.

                “You could always use your words you know” Audrey teased, again with the dainty smile. It wasn’t much, and definitely wasn’t a mega watt grin, but it was bigger that yesterday.

                I shook my head in embarrassment, keeping my lips glued.

                “Then I suppose you can sit else where”

                “Audrey” I gulped, “May I please sit with you?”


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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