Chapter 1

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I'm at this really old and helpless motel that i couldn't help but feel sorry for as i look around the room. There isn't anything to be excited about.

The brown wallpaper is chipped. The floorboards are creaking loudly as i explore more. On the right side is an ugly brown bed with black stains on it. On the left side is a cupboard that can't even fit a pack of chips here let alone a whole briefcase. On the very front is a sad and lonely chair with a t.v on the very side.

I go to the bathroom to check my skin since there is no mirror in the so-called room. I feel slightly homesick wondering why i even decided to go on this little trip "but i had to do it" I whisper softly and  slowly look deep into my eyes.

Just as i head out the bathroom a lady says hello to me in a deep but hot voice. I look at her standing in front of me. She may be in her late 20s. She has black voluminous hair with dark brown eyes.

"Hello" she said. "hey" i said really shyly and silently as i haven't even spoken at all.
Why can't just people mind their own business.
"Well, what's your name?" she said in a very surprised voice.

               "Nealia, nealia evans"

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