Flesh And Metal • Goretober - Day 1 •

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Redson watched as the others left, they were all so happy that they had finally defeated the lady bone demon. Of course, they wouldn't have been able to do it without his help! At least that's what he tells himself. They had asked him to go with them - but why would he go with a bunch of peasants? He had to get to his parents soon anyways. But.. First, he wanted to check out the place where the lady bone demon.. yknow - died. While looking around redson realized something ; there was no sign of any body or anything. It was as if she didn't exist - if she was REALLY gone, wouldn't there at least be a body? I mean he understood that she wasn't human or anything so it'd be different - but come on! This was just strange! He decided to start walking around the area more, surely there was something. He searched for what felt like hours - why did it seem like the time went by so fast? The sky even looked darker - but when he checked the time, it was the same as it was before..? Was he going crazy? Perhaps dreaming? No..it couldn't be that, it felt too real. Was the sky always this bright? It kinda reminded him of— no! Nevermind. He must be mistaken. But it looked so similar to her signature blue... Oh dear... Oh no oh no. He had to tell the others! As soon as possible! He started walking - no! Running as fast as he could. Wait.. Somethings wrong.. Why does everything look the same? He just passed by that street.. He stopped and looked around frantically - just then.. He heard something - someone! He wasn't sure who.. He quickly turned around, ready to hurt whoever was there. Wait.. Nobody is there..? But the voice!- It was the dragon horse girl and the noodle boy..?? What were they saying again..? And suddenly everything went dark. All he felt was pain.

He finally woke up, but again, all he felt was pain.. His vision was blurry too.. Did he smell blood? He wanted to cry, but he couldn't. Then - he heard a voice. No - voices. Two people. Mei and Mk.. Why was it so comforting to hear their voices..?? Why was he so relieved to hear them.?? He tried to stand up, but couldn't. He focused on the door of whatever room he was in - it took awhile, but his vision came back. right at that moment mei and mk walked into the room. Were they... Crying..?? He thought - he could've sworn - he could've sworn they hated him! - He hated them! Right..? Well - he did help them - he didn't have to do that.. Oh dear. Are they talking again? Yes - yes they are! Focus redson! Focus!
"REDSON! Hey?! Are you - are you okay?! I thought - we thought that-"
Mei was worried..? Like really worried? Mk too..??
"We - we though you - you were - we thought that you were gone."
mk is still crying - Redson could tell, even though the noodle boy is trying to hide it.
"I'd hope I wasn't gone.. I am right here - aren't I?"
"Well - yes.. But.. You looked so.."
That was mei - wasn't it? Shes talking - Redson had just heard her. But everything went silent..? He felt.. Weak again. The pain became worse for him - he started to cry. They seem panicked - why do they seem panicked?! Redson took a deep breath and spoke quietly - but still audibly.
"I need - I need to get home. now."
Then everything went dark again.. Except - he didn't wake up in the room, or home. Wherever he was, it was dark. Terribly dark. He hated it. He wouldn't tell anyone this ; but he hated the dark. He heard a voice, though it wasn't one he recognized. They said two words.
"Good luck."
Only two? Why only two? Why good luck? He woke up again. This time, he was in his room. Nobody was here though. Everything was silent. He stood up - well, tried. He swore he heard something crack - and it hurt. It hurt so much. He made his way to his desk and sat down, it still hurt. He looked at his desk, it was a mess - but for once he was thankful for that. He had everything he needed, he wouldn't have to move much. He quickly got to work. After a few hours (or minutes, he wasn't sure. Time had been messing with him.) He had it completed - sorta. He had one more thing to do. He wasn't excited for it. He finally looked at his arm - he had been avoiding looking at himself. He gasped at the sight of his arm. He could see his bone. He quickly grabbed a piece of metal or, as he called it - 'his project' and put it in the gap, the metal was too big. He bit his tongue and prepared himself before pushing the metal deeper into his wound. Tears were flowing from his eyes - why did it hurt so much?! Make the pain stop - someone, anyone - please. He heard a clicking sound , it was set. The first piece was set. He did it..! Now he had to do it again.. Multiple times.. He grabbed more of his project and stood up, it hurt to stand of course, but it wasn't as bad as when he had to put the metal in the wound. He slowly made his way to his mirror, he lifted his shirt up - and - what he saw.. Was worse than his arm. There was barely any flesh left - how he was still alive? He didn't know. What he did know, was that he'd need more metal.

After who knows how long - days? Hours? Minutes? Seconds? He had the metal, and he had 'fixed' himself. The thing is - it didn't look pretty. Not one bit. And, it hurt to move. Like a lot. But - it helped him somehow.. He wasn't sure how - it just.. Felt like it was helping. Still, nobody was at his home. It was just him. He felt hungry - really hungry. Why was he so hungry..? It couldn't of been that long since he's eaten. He would get food in a minute. After he laid down in his bed.. He could feel his eyes closing. And he fell asleep, for the first time in what felt like forever.

When he woke up for the fourth? Or was it third? Time, he didn't hurt much. He stood up, and went to open his door - he locked it? When did he lock it?  Oh well. He quickly unlocked it and ran downstairs - his parents, were home..? They stared at him in horror - what had he done this time..? Did he fail again? He didn't wanna find out. He started running - he didn't know where. Just.. Somewhere else. Somewhere away from his house. He hadn't realized it but he was crying again. He stopped and fell onto his knees, crying into his hands. Just then, he felt a hand on his shoulder - he looked up to see Mei.. The dragon girl.. She was pretty, why hadnt he noticed how pretty she was before? Someone was with her - Mk.. The monkie kid.. He - he was pretty too - was it weird to call him pretty? He hoped not. They looked shocked - but not horrified, like his parents were.. Then they both.. Smiled? They hugged him.. But it was different then a normal hug - he - he felt different not because of his new appearance - He felt different around them. They helped him up and walked him to Pigsy's noodles, offering him food right away. He explained everything that happened - why he looked the way he did. He found out it had been a month since the fight with the lady bone demon. He also found out that the first time he woke up to the two helping him -it was real. They took him home after he requested it. But his parents weren't there - or they just didn't care. Of course that didn't surprise him. He was still hurting - not as much of course. But.. Metal and Flesh doesn't go together. Then - the two hugged him again, he hugged them back, he felt funny. He'd figure out why another day.. He just wanted to enjoy the hug before he was reminded of how much it hurt to hug the two.

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