1. Hunt for a Demon

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Tempest has always treated the man quite well. 7 years after the Great Tenma War, which he honestly didn't think he would survive, he found himself relocated to the country after they rebuilt. Of course, he also pitched in. How couldn't he? He was one of the incredibly lucky few who could call the Great Demon Lord a friend. Not only did this mean that he could talk smack right in front of him and not get his head blown off for it by one of his subordinates, but this was also one of the greatest protections from any threat in the known world.

Except for maybe someone like Guy. But Guy would rarely take interest in a human. Currently, the only two that he paid any mind to were Chloe O'Bell, which was no surprise considering that she is a Hero, and a powerful one at that, and the second, much to Velgrynd's chagrin, was none other than the 'Shining Hero' Masayuki.

Unknown to the man, Guy was only interested in him because of how he could summon his late friend, and one of the other humans that he was interested in, which was Rudra. Velgrynd always complained about it to Rimuru whenever Guy showed up, but no matter how many times he offered them to stay in his country as added 'protection,' she always refused.

Mainly because Rimuru would steal him away to play some games from Earth. Mario Kart was always fun. The latest Dragon Quest and Fromsoft games also constantly piqued his interest, but all of this meant less time with Velgrynd, and so she was always reluctant to go there whenever he wanted to.

But this was neither here nor there for the man in question. Though he enjoyed the benefits of being Rimuru's friend, this also came with its downsides. Assassination attempts, harassment, slander, libel, were not thrown his way.

No. Instead of the usual suspects that would come after powerful people, the source of his troubles almost always came from the demon lord himself. Granted, Rimuru helped him find a wife, as his father, Heinz, has been pestering him to settle down for a few years now, but it didn't help that she always sided with Rimuru when there were any issues between the two of them. Granted, she was a monster, more specifically, a magic born, and so heavily benefited from Rimuru's policies, so it really couldn't be helped.

It still annoyed him though.

However, on this auspicious day, on a nice June day, where he marked the weather at a beautiful 26 degrees Celsius, he got to be on the dealer's end. Right in front of him was none other than Rimuru himself, making the same pose that he knows all too well of putting his face in his hands and exhaling a deep sigh, which he swore took a few years off his life, if the concept of a lifespan even applied to him.

Finally, after what felt like hours, he raised his face, revealing his golden irises, girlish face, and, objectively speaking, quite beautiful features. Initially, the man always had to remind himself that Rimuru was male and was simply taking the form of someone who offered their body to them. Shizue Izawa, to be exact, who was also a close friend of his. Fortunately, over the years, the annoyances that he brought with him mostly killed any sort of attraction that he felt, but every once in a while, it would crop up.

"So, Fuze," Rimuru finally said, "mind explaining to me again?"

He would happily take him on that offer. "So, here it is again. A group of adventurers had planned an excursion to take out a greater demon but messed up their schedules. One of their members had a wedding to attend to when they were supposed to set off, and with such short notice, they were willing to pay top dollar-"

He was quickly cut off by a snappy Rimuru. "I don't care about that! I want to know why in the hell you thought I was a suitable candidate to go with them!"

As if it was the most obvious thing ever, Fuze said, "Well, because you are an adventurer, are you not? And weren't you saying yesterday that you were bored out of your skull because you were waiting to sign off on permits and supplies?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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