chapter 1:Intricacy

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Disclaimer!: This story isn't based on any particular Anime or Manga, so all of the characters are mine. Please ask me before using any of the characters in this story.

Warning⚠️: This story is rated M for sexual content, which includes anal, tentacles, monsters, and mature content. If you are under the age of 🔞 (18+) then please read with caution since you are under-aged.

A seventeen-year-old girl was standing on the rough sand of a beach during a hot summer day. The sky was cloudless with the sun high in the horizon. Her cerulean colored eyes gazed ahead while her dark blue hair blew around in the wind. She had on a school uniform one-piece bathing suit in cobalt blue with the school logo in white on the right side of her chest. Her bosom was about a B-Cup size with a healthy body shape of rotund hips. Her hands were by her sides, as she seemed to be pleasantly observing the private view. She was standing on the shore as the waves were lightly strolling over her feet.

Suddenly, she sensed a rubbery object brush against her right ankle as she glanced down to see a full sized scarlet octopus crawling towards her from the oceanic reservoir. She let out a horrified scream, but no one else was around to come to her rescue. The creature inched closer while extending the same arm once again, but this time wrapping it around her lower leg. The lass tripped and fell onto the wet sand below as her lap was widened with the octopus approaching her briskly. Her hands were seeping into the ground as the octopus continued to come closer and closer to her vulnerability.

The female student awoke with flustered thoughts buzzing in her mind or the arousing fantasy continuing to imagine the octopus about to sexually tamper her while on the beach. The youth let out a sigh of relief, but the area between her thighs was tingling with erotic connotations. She sensed the urge to stick her hands into her azure pajama pants, but her eyes looked at the clock to see that she would have to get ready for school rather shortly. Her white tang top was concealing her top half, but her tits were provoked while feeling rather stiff.

'What a dream,' she contemplated while sitting up in her bed. Her sheets were a basic bluish color, but she was in a dorm room all by herself at the college. The walls were white and the flooring was wood. The window to her right was sheltered with white curtains. It was the morning of a fall day as the sunlight was shimmering around the room. The pale dresser was on the opposite side of the room beside a wooden desk with a black laptop on it. A white door was on her left and kept shut at all times. Her legs swung over the edge of the mattress, in which the sheets were a beige color to protect the actual springing piece of furniture.

Once her feet touched the chilly wooden paneling she felt the wetness of a mysterious watery puddle, which was highly unusual. Her eyes looked down to see the stream flowing from beneath the door, which was linked to the bathroom. With her heart beginning to throb with panic she leapt out of bed and followed the source toward the doorway. Her right hand swiftly turned the silver knob to open the door. To her astonishment the flow was pouring out of the broken pipe beneath the pale sink. The tiled walls were white with the flooring being a marble snowy color. Above the sink was a mirror, and past that was the toilet beside the shower with the cerulean colored shower curtain concealing the tub, shower faucet, and bath tub knobs.

"A leak? I guess my own pipe has been leaking this morning, too," she sighed. "Nothing like starting a normal school day with a wet dream and a leaky sink." The student had no choice but to call the school maintenance to request for a repair, in which her personal matters would have to wait until later. The school was quick to respond to her issue stating that she would have to temporarily live in a different apartment room for the next few days while her dorm room was repaired. Her assigned dorm was a floor below, in which she swiftly packed up her belongings, exited the now flooding living space, and headed for the rendezvous.

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